Please refer to the job description and person specification attached to the advert for the full details of the vacancy. The post is a full time (10 Programmed Activities) Fixed Term Consultant Stroke Physician role, at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, working across all parts of the stroke service. The stroke service provides 24/7 cover and currently has seven dedicated Stroke consultants and one clinical academic, and contribution from consultant neurologists and an acute medicine consultant. The following draft Job Plan reflects our best assessment of what the final plan will be, based on 10 PAs. For all new consultants to NUH, we offer 8PAs DCC and 2 SPAs for the first year. The NUH Stroke service, alongside all other Royal College of Physicians Group I Medical Services / Specialties at NUH, provides a 0.5PA job planned contribution per new Consultant appointment, to support the unselected and / or generalist needs of our patients. This commitment may be provided by the appointee or shared across the Service. PROGRAMMED ACTIVITIES: Direct Clinical Care: Emergency duties - predictable 2 Emergency duties - unpredictable 1 Operating session (including pre/post op) Ward rounds 1 Out-patient or other clinics 1 Clinical Diagnostic Work 1 Other patient treatment / consultation Multi-disciplinary meetings 1 Patient administration 1 Travelling time between sites Other Sub Total 8 Supporting Professional Activities Training (Postgraduate) Medical Education (Undergraduate) 0.50 CPD, Appraisal, Job Planning 1.50 Audit Research Clinical Management Other Sub Total 2 TOTAL PAs 10