Job summary
You are invited to join our dynamic,innovative and welcoming practice providing primary care, at Frome MedicalPractice. This is anexciting opportunity at any stage of your medical career, which also includesopportunities for partnership in the near future.
Main duties of the job
Responding to medical problems presented by patients,including triage, history taking, examination, investigation, diagnosis,treatment and referral
Adhering to the practice prescribing formulary.
Preparing medical reports
Attending weekly team meetings and education meetings heldon days when you are working.
Contributing to the development of and adhering toprotocols/systems for the management of common medical conditions.
Participating in clinical governance activity andcontributing to the improvement in quality of health outcomes through thepractices audit programme.
Clinically related administrative and non-clinical dutiesnecessary for the delivery of GMS.
Providing other services outside of GMS as specified incontracts held by the Practice.
Engaging in appropriate educational activity in order tomaintain clinical competence and performance, including the completion ofobjectives agreed by yourself and the practice in an annual PersonalDevelopment Plan.
Participating in the training and development of nurses,medical students and GP registrars in the practice.
Supporting the practice staff and responding to requests foradvice and assistance from the practice care navigation, care coordination andnursing staff.
Fully participating in extended hours offered by thePractice.
About us
We have a supportive and collaborative team of over20 GPs and 150 staff. We are a large and modern, purpose built practice with apatient population of just under 30,000 and operate as a single site PrimaryCare Network.
We are proud to have received NationalAwards for Sustainability and our Green Impact work and have also beennationally recognised for our outstanding Health Connections (socialprescribing) programme, which is based within the practice. As a high-performing and successfulpractice we have been accepted to join the new PCN Pilot Programme working withNHSE which will also provide exciting opportunities to shape and developclinical pathways.
We are a recognised Learning Organisation with astrong focus on GP Education and development. We are also a GP Training practice where manyof our registrars choose to stay on with us and benefit from our mentoringscheme.
We are a Disability Confident practice andregistered Mindful Employer.
Job description
Job responsibilities
Job Title Salaried General Practitioner
Place of work Frome Medical Practice sites
Accountable to Partners
Annual salary Sessional Rate
Job Purpose
During yourdefined weekly hours you will workas part of a highly professional team providing medical services to ourpatients.
Frome Medical Practice is a single site Practice and PrimaryCare Network with 30000 patients who live in the attractive market town ofFrome and its surrounding villages. We are a recognised Learning Organisationwith a strong focus on GP education and development including being a GPTraining Practice for Registrars. Frome Medical Practice is based in afantastic purpose built centre with excellent facilities and a large supportiveteam. Staff well-being is a strong focus and we have an active social committee.
We are co-located with adult mental heath, district nurses,and independent pharmacy, and cafe all on the premises and our local communityhospital is next door. This all support our active approach tomultidisciplinary working. We are National award winners for our work towardsGreen Impact initiatives. We have been accepted to join the new PCN PilotProgramme working with NHSE which will also provide exciting opportunities toshape and develop clinical pathways
Main Duties
Responding to medical problems presented by patients,including history taking, examination, investigation, diagnosis, treatment andreferral
Working closely with our care Navigation team to triagepatients using our current chosen supplier Klinik
Providing appropriate preventative health care and advice.
Adhering to the practice prescribing formulary.
Preparing medical reports for insurance companies, employersand statutory bodies.
Attending weekly team meetings and education meetings heldon days when you are working.
Contributing to the development of and adhering toprotocols/systems for the management of common medical conditions.
Participating in clinical governance activity andcontributing to the improvement in quality of health outcomes through thepractices audit programme.
Clinically related administrative and non-clinical dutiesnecessary for the delivery of GMS.
Providing other services outside of GMS as specified incontracts held by the Practice.
Engaging in appropriate educational activity in order tomaintain clinical competence and performance, including the completion ofobjectives agreed by yourself and the practice in an annual PersonalDevelopment Plan.
Participating in the training and development of nurses,medical students and GP registrars in the practice.
Supporting the practice staff and responding to requests foradvice and assistance from the practice care navigation, care coordination andnursing staff.
Fully participating in extended hours offered by thePractice.
The above responsibilities will be undertaken upholding thefollowing Best Practice Guidelines that all professionals working in The FromeMedical Practice have agreed to adhere to
To be available to take over the responsibility of patientcare from the Out of Hours service at 0800 on a working day.
To continue to work until all clinical tasks have beencompleted. Where this involves standing by ready to be called, to be availableuntil the end of the session. To make arrangements for others to cover whenplanning to leave before the end of the session.
To maintain the Practices high clinical standards by usingclinical governance audits and other information to review patients results,prescribing, disease management etc.
To undertake daily tasks such as results, letters, reports,repeat prescribing etc. for ones own list and for other teams as required.
To maintain the financial security of the organisation byensuring accurate and efficient responses to income generation such as reports,dispensed prescriptions, private forms etc.
To undertake, as part of a team, those duties specified asbeing required.
To work as a team to cover the request for out of surgerycontacts.
To participate in the educational and organisationalactivities of the practice in a way that maintains high standards andencourages the development of The Frome Medical Practice as an approvedLearning Organisation.
At all times to behave in a professional way that encouragesquality practice and the development of team spirit.
Mandatory completion of Type 2 Self-Assessment form annuallyin Feb
Health & Safety
It is the responsibility of all employees to ensure that therequirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act are complied with, safeworking practices are adhered to and that any hazards are reported to theappropriate officer immediately.
All post holders are expected to
Adhere to practice policies and procedures
Promote Equality and Diversity in a non-discriminatory way.
Adhere to the Data Protection Regulations, respectingconfidentiality of patients and colleagues and the practice as a whole.
Maintain personal and professional development in order tomaintain their skill levels, participate in the appraisal process and anytraining and development that is recognised and agreed with Lead PracticeNurse.
Respect and adhere to corporate and clinical governanceprinciples
Undertake a