This is a Foundation School which is part of a Trust; the employer will be the Governing Body of the School.
Benton Park Primary School
Corchester Walk
Newcastle upon Tyne
Class teacher and science lead – from September 2025
Our school has a strong reputation for excellence in curriculum – we regularly present at curriculum conferences around the region, as well as hosting a thriving online task design community. In addition, with our own woodland area; a designated art room; innovative use of mobile technology (we are a regional training centre for Apple and a Digital School House) and a wide-ranging pupil pastoral offer, Benton Park is a dynamic and innovative place to work.
We are looking to recruit a science leader who:
1. Is a brilliant classroom practitioner with at least two years teaching experience (i.e. not an ECT) to lead our science provision.
2. With a passion for all things science, you will build upon the success of the existing post holder to promote the importance of science within our curriculum, whilst at the same time supporting colleagues to plan and deliver stimulating and challenging science lessons.
3. Most importantly, we want you to foster a love of science in our pupils, enabling them to see its value in the wider world.
4. More broadly, you will be a model professional, an excellent classroom teacher who can set an excellent example to pupils and colleagues alike.
In return we can offer you:
We can offer you a TLR 2a and weekly leadership release time. You will also join our curriculum leadership group, helping to shape the future development of our curriculum at Benton Park. We will also provide individualised leadership development opportunities, built around the strengths and developmental needs of the successful applicant.
Interested in applying?
A chance to visit and look around our school on Friday 11th April 2025.
A completed application form and safer recruitment form must be submitted by e-mail to no later than 3pm on Monday 28th April 2025.
Shortlisting: Friday 2nd May 2025 based on the criteria in Part A of the person specification.
Selection process: Thursday 8th May 2025 based on the criteria in Part B of the person specification.
Proposed start date: Monday 1st September 2025.