The post covers the financial aspects of Northumbria Primary Care Limited (gross annual expenditurearound £33m). The postholder manages a finance team to deliver this service. See attached job description, key responsibilities include: Responsible for providing robust financial leadership, strategic management, expert, and specialist strategic financial and business planning advice to the organisation, ensuring financial controls are maintained in line with Corporate Governance requirements. Provide expert advice the subsidiary Board of Directors on all financial issues and providing oversight on a number of key areas. Responsible for the leadership, management, and performance of a Finance function, in providing a professional, high quality financial management service, ensuring effectiveness and business focus of financial systems and processes, Ensure compliance with statutory and legal requirements, including ensuring statutory accounts & returns are accurate and meet agreed timescales and legal requirements, interpreting these where necessary, Play a key role in ensuring there is effective working relationships between NPC, other subsidiaries and the Trust, as well as external partners, including contract negotiations and performance monitoring. Manage the development and delivery of management accounts, monthly financial reports and budgets to Board, and annual accounts.