Key Responsibilities Being On Call at the times agreed and being contactable and available 24/7 to field calls when duty Nurse Coordinator (NC). Responding to enquiries about our service, where necessary signposting callers to their GP or to other organisations able to help them, including our sister charities. Taking new referrals, obtaining information about patients likely needs and making the decision about whether or not they meet LHNT criteria. If needed, consulting the Registered Nurse Manager (RNM) or Clinical Trustees. Completing a risk assessment before an assessment visit. Undertaking assessments of new patients whose referral meets our criteria, deciding what nursing support to put in place and deploying individual nurses with as much notice as practicable to undertake shifts. Ensuring that green folder Lawrence Nurses notes are within a patients home as soon as practicable and always before a nurse visits. Liaising with the Community Nurses (CNs) and others such as the Community Matrons to ensure that all the necessary equipment, medication and documentation are in place. Carrying out patient risk assessments. Managing the whole patient caseload, including active, pending and RIP patients. Supporting the patient, their family and carers by being available to talk when needed and obtaining feedback about how we can meet their ongoing care needs and seeking guidance from RNM where issues arise. Supporting Lawrence Nurses, where necessary at patients home, seeking advice from the RNM as needed, and giving a thorough handover to the deployed nurse and obtaining handover information at the end of nurses shifts Keeping the RNM, other NCs and Clinical Directors briefed about significant issues, seeking guidance as needed and ensuring that this is relayed to all nurses involved. Completing all follow up actions after RIP of patient. Handling initially any negative feedback or complaints following the procedures set out in the Lawrence Nurses Complaints Policy and of any allegations of abuse as set out in Oxfordshire Safeguarding guidelines. Completing documentation before end of duty period and briefing of next duty NC. Keeping the activity tracker up to date and completing any audits deemed appropriate. Being aware of boundaries and referring to specialist palliative care if they are involved in a patients care. Being the first port of call for nurses working as lone workers and ensuring their safety where possible. Being a lifelong learner and adhering to the NMC code. This job description is not exhaustive. It merely acts as a guide and may be amended to meet the changing requirements of the Charity at any time after discussion with the post holder.