The post holder will share clinical and managerial leadership within the Paediatric Department with the present consultant paediatricians. A. Clinical To provide with colleagues, acute and general paediatric services in both In Patient and outpatient settings and on-call cover. B. Management responsibilities Active participation in monthly clinical governance meetings within the integrated paediatric department. Participation and involvement in meetings and other business in the combined Department of Paediatrics. Teaching This includes teaching of medical students and junior doctors who rotate through the Paediatric Department and contributing to the continuing medical education programme of the combined department. It is expected that the post holder will act asclinical supervisor to trainees within the department and the Oxford Deanery Post- Graduate School of Paediatrics. The Department provides residency placements throughout the year to medical students from Oxford University. Research There is active research team at the Royal Berkshire. There are 2 paediatric research nurses, with ongoing recruitment to several multicentre studies. A particular interest in research with a view to becoming principle investigator in studies would be advantageous. There are ample opportunities for research with a wealth of clinical material associated with the large population, links with Reading University and close proximity to Oxford. E. Continuing Professional Development The appointee will be expected to participate in personal appraisals annually and will also be expected to actively take part in the RCPCH CPD program. The responsible officer for the post is currently the Medical Director and there is a revalidation officer to provide administrative support and advice for medical staff maintaining their credentials for revalidation.