On a daily basis, assist qualified nurses in the provision of care as detailed in the individual care plans, undertake tasks that facilitate the smooth running of the ward as directed by qualified nurses, and liaise with other departments to ensue ward environment is safe and welcoming, e.g. hotel services. Tasks can include: assisting with the giving of medication and medical dressings; holding the pagers for first response; preparing for admissions; escort and driving duties. Make appropriate objective written entries in patient notes to ensure that these are up to date and accurate. Actively participate in team handovers, providing verbal report or making presentations to the immediate team or the wider multidisciplinary team. Provide practical assistance and support in maintaining patients social network to include family relationships and cultural needs. This may include periods without direct supervision off the ward. Frequently use interpersonal and communication skills to de-escalate and reduce aggressive behaviour if encountered from users and carers. Ensure a range of social and recreational activities are always available on the ward for patients which can be implemented by staff at other times. Successfully initiate and develop rapport with the patient group to enable patients to balance periods of activity, socialisation and rest. Be aware of own limitations, seek support if and when need arises. Liaise effectively with nursing colleagues, and other health professionals. Ensure feedback is continually sought from users to inform development of services. Ensure that health promotion information is available in a variety of forms for individuals or small groups of users. Liaise with external organisations to enable opportunities for services users to participate in new activities. As a Health Care Assistant/ Support Worker you will be responsible for participating and assisting in the delivery of care / services to patients and service users as part of a Mental Health and Social Care Health Service. Health Care Assistant, Social Care Workers and other Healthcare Support Workers employed by the Trust are required to follow the guidance set out in Code of Conduct for Health Care Assistants/ Health Care Support Workers to provide safe and compassionate care of a high standard, and to challenge others who are not. You will receive direct supervision and partake in reflective practice / training on a regular basis and be required to meet the Care Certificate standards. All successful applicants will also have the opportunity to discuss the prospect of undertaking a Level 3 Healthcare Support Worker Apprenticeship alongside their substantive post. This apprenticeship would include the Level 3 Diploma in Clinical Healthcare.