Stakeholder engagement and assurance work with external representatives. Deploy a transformational, can-do approach bringing corporate quality and regulation to the forefront of everything we do. Deliver, and be the expert advisor on, regulation and core corporate quality, and work with colleagues to convert this into practical delivery across the Trust. Keep current with, and contribute to, new developments in clinical quality governance and regulation.
Collaborate with colleagues to implement a multi-professional approach. Effectively contribute to the Trust vision, strategic objectives, and key work programmes. Triangulate intelligence from various sources, such as audits, reviews, claims, coroners, incidents, patient experience, dashboards, to support learning and improvement. Lead on the Trustwide Corporate materials as applicable to the role, such as Policies.
Support areas to effectively implement these and monitor for effectiveness. Monitor and assure on compliance with reports issued by external agencies. Prepare and collate update reports to regulators including visit preparations, timetables, schedules, clinical performance update reports, ad-hoc requests, profile incident and complaint updates, and other regulatory submissions externally and internally. Develop and implement internal monitoring/assurance systems as may be in use, working with colleagues to ensure the systems provide timely, complete, accurate information and that this is used to drive clinical service improvement.
Scope, implement, refresh, monitor, and report plans to improve key performance indicators (KPIs) for quality and regulation. Prepare information for regulatory visits such as Care Quality Commission. Work with colleagues to meet the needs of regulatory requirements. Work with other leads/managers of the service, to ensure aims and objectives are collectively delivered in a joined-up manner.
Expertly handle timely, accurate, and smooth functioning of high-level Committees. This includes organising, minute-taking, monitoring, and other related corporate activities required to meet the needs of the department and those involved. Be an expert minute taker, requiring no re-work of draft minutes. Quality assure on minutes taken by colleagues.
Support information associated with external/internal bodies such as CCG, CQC, or other forums as applicable to the role. Support production of the Quality Account (annual report) to a high standard, meeting the requirements of national regulations. Liaise with contributors to submit work to tight timescales. Apply appropriate project management and quality improvement methodologies, to enable a project to be implemented, monitored, and effectively delivered.
Support senior personnel to ensure the smooth handling of regulatory and clinical quality across the Trust. Implement robust systems of work to ensure that feedback is responded to promptly, effectively, and cohesively. Prepare verbal, written, and visual information timely and to a high standard of accuracy, reliability, and readability, appropriate for a wide range of audiences. Support Senior Managers with cost improvement programmes, business planning, quality priority setting, and consultation.
Chair Committees as designated by your line manager ensuring that papers are produced, retained, and administered appropriately. Write business cases as required. Lead on Trust self-assessment against national quality and regulatory standards and sector best practice. Provide training as is required for the role.
Effectively harness the use of technology for the quality and regulation portfolio.