These posts are part of the Trusts aim to deliver high quality emergency care. A full-time substantive post comprises 8 Direct Clinical care PAs (DCC) and 2 Supporting Professional Activities PAs (SPA). Additional PAs are offered for enhanced DCC provision and for some roles additional SPA. Consultants currently work a 1 in 6 weekend rota although this will be reviewed upon subsequent consultant expansion. The department runs an annualised rota, which allows flexibility for the individual as well as maintaining Consultant shop floor cover. Weekend frequency is currently 1 in 6. With the subsequent Consultant expansion this will be reviewed and is likely to alter to provide increased 7 day working, particularly weekend cover and night shifts. Any potential changes will be discussed and planned with individuals and their circumstances. The job plan includes additional unpredictable on call DCC allowance and the non-patient facing DCC sessions are delivered as blocks over an eight-week period. The job plan is reviewed within the first 6 months of taking up the post and would be undertaken by the Clinical Director. It is the responsibility of the post holder to have the job plan reviewed and this will continue on an annual basis. The Responsible Officer for the post is currently the Medical Director. The Person Specifications are detailed at the end of this document. This is a full time post. In accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Service, the post holder will be appointed to a 10 session clinical contract with 8 sessions of direct clinical care and 2 sessions of supporting clinical activity. Any Consultant who is unable, for personal reasons, to work full time will still be eligible to be considered for the post. If such a person is appointed, modification of this job plan will be discussed and agreed between the Consultant, Clinical Director and Urgent Care Group Director in conjunction with Consultant colleagues as appropriate. The department fully supports regular clinical audit and clinical governance as a means of delivering high quality clinical care. The department is involved in a number of on-going Quality Improvement projects and the appointee would be expected to participate in initiatives concerning clinical governance. The post holder will have responsibility for ensuring that critical incidents and near misses are appropriately reported into the Trust Controls Assurance systems. They will also be take part, when required and/or appropriate, in investigating incidents relating to the Emergency Department and assist in any changes in clinical practice leading to improved care.