To promote the LCHS Way and to act as a role model. To lead an approach that has patients and the public/ customer/ service user/carer focus at its very heart. Lead the joint development with HR of recruitment, screening, placement, and retention of inclusive volunteers and ensure remuneration of out-of-pocket expenses in accordance with Trust policies and procedures. Develop, with LCHS colleagues, an induction and ongoing training and support programme for LCHS volunteers in their areas of work, ensuring the appropriate mandatory training is completed. Maintain accurate training records including details of placement area programmes. To develop and lead the production of volunteering training, recruitment, status reports and relevant reporting to groups andcommittees, reviews of the impact of volunteers in the relevant service areas and ensure Trust learning from experiences within LCHS and across the Lincolnshire System. Lead the development of volunteering recruitment campaigns, publicity information, supported by the Comms and HR teams. Encourage active interest in voluntary work within the Trust and across Lincolnshire, ensuring that opportunities are available for all, reflecting the diverse local community. Develop, implement, review and update policies and procedures relating to Volunteering Services. Jointly lead, with services and corporate teams, on the identification and development of new and inclusive volunteering opportunities, the appropriate communication and promotion of these, in response to local and national priorities and policy. Advise and guide LCHS staff on volunteering roles with teams and directorates and work with colleagues to develop services which volunteers may provide, for example of appropriate role descriptions, risk assessments, competence checks etc Liaise with teams and directorates to ensure volunteering activities are effective and appropriate.Work alongside services, teams, and directorates to ensure mentoring and support is in place for volunteers in their roles. To ensure hours worked within placements are appropriate and that volunteers operate within agreed boundaries. Working with Services and HR to match volunteers to placements, oversee placements of volunteers in those services and ensure that each service where volunteers are placed provide the necessary orientation, checks, personal protective equipment (PPE), mentoring, supervision, remuneration of out-of-pocket expenses and support to volunteers. Regularly review volunteer placements with the service where placed/ with their mentor to ensure any changes needing to be made are actioned in a timely way.Support services to resolve any issues that arise relating to volunteering services. Liaise with Stakeholder Engagement Manager to organise appropriate recognition for volunteers and the services they provide.Liaise with external partners across Lincolnshire to jointly support,promote and further volunteering and opportunities in Lincolnshire. Develop links with local, regional, and national volunteering networks to ensure LCHS is connected and responsive to changes and good practice.Regularly review effectiveness of volunteering services through audits, surveys, interviews of volunteers, staff, patients and members of the public who have interacted with LCHS volunteering services. Anticipate and resolve any queries or issues that arise with the volunteer workforce/ placement areas, encourage volunteers and where necessary support a positive exit from volunteering i.e. suggest alternative volunteering opportunities. Grow and develop the LCHS Volunteering Services Programme to increase in take up of volunteering. The Stakeholder Engagement Manager will agree personal objectives. This will form part of the annual review process. Lincolnshire Community Healthcare Service requires all staff to safeguard children, young people and adults. All staff are required to access the organisational policies, also the Local Safeguarding Children Board and the Local Safeguarding Adults Board policies and procedures that underpin the safeguarding agenda. The safeguarding policies to be followed are found at and. LCHS policies, procedures and guideline - It is a condition employment that employees are expected to adhere to our policies, procedures and guidelines. These can all be found on the Trusts website.