Role Purpose The purpose of the role is to manage delivery of a projectdriving operations and delivery governance, ensuring right talent supplychain to optimize customer satisfaction and cost of delivery Do Delivery Management Ensure seamless delivery of the projects Deploy optimum project delivery structure post transition/ migrationphase by evaluating the budget, costs, risks and staffing requirement Create quarterly project charter with well-defined weekly projecttrajectory as per the project specifications & requirements andensure 100% adherence in terms of schedule, quality, efforts and costs Ensure 100% compliance to Project SLA’s, information securityprotocols and etc (all customer’s contractual obligations) Monitor and take appropriate actions on internal and external auditfindings to ensure no major non-compliance/ deviation from the SLA Liaise between customer and internal technical delivery team todrive project health by adhering to organizational norms of projectmetrics Drive various project related audits like quality, customer, ISO etcand ensure zero non-compliance Conduct periodic cadence with the quality team to take proactivemeasures to resolves issues/ possible escalations Conducts periodic cadence with Workforce Management Group (WMG) toensure 100% fulfillment as per the program/ project requirement Regularly audit quality (QA) status of delivery and engage QA teamto ensure adherence to Quality Assurance standards and processes Maintain project structure in Confluence & SAP in line withprevailing business requirements and norms Ensure expected ramp down (ERD) compliance as committed in MSA Client Relationship Management Engage with client to deploy opportunities to deploy multiplesolutions within/ across SLs to create a stronger value proposition forclients Conduct regular customer connects (meetings/ visits/ video-conference) and participate in Management Review Meetings (MRM) withclient management/engagement managers to understand customer’scurrent and future needs and seek feedback to improve deliverymethodology/ timelines/ resource allocation Identify and close early warnings on a project to avoid any customerescalations Plan and conduct Quarterly Business Reviews (QBR) along withDM’s/ ADH with the client management/ leadership team to driveimprovement actions and mine for a new portfolio/ opportunity within theaccount Design and monitor project performance dashboards/ reports with theclients periodically Delivery governance across the project Create weekly/ monthly/ quarterly MIS and reports to monitor andtrack overall project Conduct periodic reviews with the delivery team on operational,quality and fulfillment parameters and new idea generation & itsimplementation on existing projects Identify and resolve potential risks or early warning signs onproject delivery to drive for ZERO surprise escalations and eliminateany revenue leakage Escalate any deviations from the project charter to the deliverymanagers in terms of schedule, effort, cost, infrastructure from theproject charter and minimize process exceptions and such deviations fromthe actual project plan Review and monitor revenue allocations/ realization to avoid OBrevenue leakage Provide inputs to delivery leadership team on overall deliveryperformance parameters (project heath, utilization, realization etc) atproject/ program level during reviews highlighting any critical projectescalations and potential risks Operational Excellence Automation Focus Perform pareto analysis as per the no. of incidents received andaccordingly identify automation opportunities and drive value addsacross the project Deploy next generation hyper automation and crowdsourcinginitiatives in coordination with Holmes RO team to enhance productivity,quality and speed of delivery Interact and engage with tools team to bring in new tools in theproject to automate certain pointers/ elimination of any noise in theproject Innovation Focus Brainstorm with the team to identify improvement opportunities andinitiatives to further improve quality, delivery speed and productivityparameters Drive value adds and BVMs; ensure management showcases them tocustomer in MRM & QBR to drive growth Plan and conduct periodic idea campaigns to generate new solutionsto the problems/ define better ways of working Drive and deploy Knowledge Management and sharing Contribute in internal knowledge sharing initiatives at Wipro bydriving internal training sessions, best practices, learnings, valueadds and BVMs and deploys best practices in various projects within ownaccount Deploy the Wipro’s knowledge management portal across theaccount and monitor & track trainings Capability Development and Talent Pipeline Creation Demand forecasting in line with business requirements Anticipate attrition and ensure right talent supply chain to deliverthe project Spearhead quarterly demand forecasting and resource planning alignedto project requirements Create and deploy a workplan to fulfil the required demand from allthe talent channels including external (lateral, contractors etc) hiringin coordination with WMG/ CWMG and Talent Acquisition team Anticipate new skills/ upcoming technologies required to deliver theproject and ensure the team is trained or right talent is inducted intothe project as per the skill requirements Drive 100% compliance on trainings and upskilling requirements Prioritize and identify essential and upcoming technical skillsrequired across programs/ projects to facilitate and drive right supplychain Drive towards 100% mandatory training compliance for the targetpopulation within an account Plan and drive rotations for seed positions and ensure replacementplan to be arrived ahead of rotations Quarterly connect with critical talent to understand their careeraspirations and create their learning maps along with project managersand HRBP Fresher engagement program Ensure a stable arrangement and assimilation of rookie withinaccounts in coordination with competency group team (classroomtrainings/ e-learning, certifications, on the job training etc) Team Management Resourcing Forecast talent requirements as per the current and future businessneeds Hire adequate and right resources for the team Talent Management Ensure adequate onboarding and training for the team members toenhance capability & effectiveness Build an internal talent pool and ensure their career progressionwithin the organization Manage team attrition Drive diversity in leadership positions Performance Management Set goals for the team, conduct timely performance reviews andprovide constructive feedback to own direct reports Ensure that the Performance Nxt is followed for the entire team Employee Satisfaction and Engagement Lead and drive engagement initiatives for the team Track team satisfaction scores and identify initiatives to buildengagement within the team Facilitate rewards and recognition to acknowledge the highperformers in the team Stakeholder Interaction Stakeholder Type Stakeholder Identification Purpose of Interaction Internal DM/ Program Manager Delivery strategy and governance Transition team To ensure smooth project handover to the delivery team Holmes RO and Tools team Automation initiatives within an account BU Quality Team/ Central Quality Team To deploy central quality policy and framework Legal and Compliance For contract management CWMG, WMG For fulfilment and demand forecasting Global Talent Acquisition, Global Campus Head For recruitment and campus hiring Talent Transformation Team, Competency Group To deliver specific trainings, certification programmes GIMS For visa processing/ stamping Internal audit team Audit of various accounts as per compliance HRBP To drive HR engagement activities and resolve people relatedissues Finance team (BU/ SL) For COD calculation, payment/ invoice management Procurement team For contract management (MSA and SOW) IMG team To fulfil logistics requirement FMG team To fulfil ODC infrastructure/ IT requirements TSG group For recovery and containing the escalations External Customers To drive business growth and relationship management Vendors/ Partners/ OEM’s/ Contract Manufacturers For resourcing/ contracting, trainings, technology platforms,equipments etc Display Lists the competencies required to perform this role effectively: Functional Competencies/ Skill Domain/Industry Knowledge – Awareness and knowledge of broadeconomic, demographic, technological and global trends in the ITindustry – Competent Systems Thinking – Understanding of the Wipro system(interrelatedness, interdependencies and boundaries) and perform problemsolving in a complex environment - Competent Leveraging Technology – Knowledge of current and upcomingtechnology (automation, tools and systems) to build efficiencies andeffectiveness in own function/ Client organization – Competent Program Management – Execute projects with end-outcome andprocess focus, along with understanding of delivery processes and itsgovernance - Expert Solution Focus – Apply design thinking to bring about new andnovel solutions or changes in processes, products or the way business isconducted – Competent Technical knowledge – knowledge of new upcoming skills in themarket as per the future trends and bring in to Wipro for itsdeployment/ training the team - Expert Competency Levels Foundation Knowledgeable about the competency requirements. Demonstrates (inparts) frequently with minimal support and guidance. Competent Consistently demonstrates the full range of the competency withoutguidance. Extends the competency to difficult and unknown situations aswell. Expert Applies the competency in all situations and is serves as a guide toothers as well. Master Coaches others and builds organizational capability in the competencyarea. Serves as a key resource for that competency and is recognisedwithin the entire organization. Behavioral Competencies Client centricity Problem solving and decision making Execution excellence and passion for results Change agility Passion for results Nurturing people Executive presence Collaborative working Deliver No. Performance Parameter Measure Delivery Management – Client satisfaction PCSAT, Brand score, no. of customer references, SDR/ QBR %, Pulse %satisfied (top 2 box), Zero surprise delivery escalation from thecustomer, adherence to project charter Delivery Management – operational efficiency Contractual adherence %, Quality index, Utilization %, cost ofdelivery target, overdue indent, 100% SLA compliance, PEI % target, 100%usage of click to bill, % SAP loss for T&M projects Delivery Management – Financials Revenue target achievement, Operating margin %, leakage from OB torevenue, revenue per employee, CR realization target, process exceptionsto be minimized, bench cost % of total cost, underrun % target for FPPprojects, effort saving through NG-1, NG-2 initiatives Capability Building % attrition, critical talent attrition%, % trained on new age skills,% of team trained in necessary behavioural skills, diversity ratio, %localization targets by market, billable rookie ratio, rookie/NJNBassimilation TATs, offshore mix Team Management Team attrition %, Employee satisfaction score Core Java