Overview of the job
The job holder will be responsible for providing supervision, knowledge and skills to prisoners in a specialist workshop so they can improve their employment prospects on release with a view to reducing reoffending.
The role will be required to teach prisoners towards achieving nationally recognised qualifications which may be supported by external organisations such as local colleges.
This job description is not for use by job holders in basic assembly/packing workshops, instead Instructor should be used. However, on an exceptional short term basis job holders can supervise prisoners in more basic workshops.
This is a non-operational job in an establishment with workshop and prisoner management responsibilities. The role is non-rotational.
The job holder will be committed to prison workshops being places of structure and discipline. They will provide prisoners with a work experience that better mirrors the employment experience outside of prison and which reflects the external labour market where employers and employees have obligations, with the possibility of gaining or working towards nationally recognised qualifications.
The job holder will be committed to interacting with prisoners in a way that can make a difference and contribute to reducing re- offending, rehabilitation and increasing desistance opportunities for prisoners.
The job holder will ensure that all services are provided to a high standard and that security and control is maintained at all times.
Responsibilities, Activities and Duties
The job holder will be required to carry out the following responsibilities, activities and duties:
• Be committed to a whole prison approach towards a safe, secure and respectful working environment where Every Contact Matters. Interacting with prisoners in a way which can make a difference and contribute to reducing reoffending, rehabilitation and decreasing desistance opportunities for prisoners.
• May participate in the selection process of prisoners for the workshop/area of work. Taking a more pronounced lead in recruiting and dismissing prisoners from the workshops based on performance, attendance and conduct.
• Contribute to workshop employment decisions and prisoner development needs. Providing the prisoner with an objective supervisory view on their progress and get them used to similar types of appraisal upon release.
• Induct prisoners to the workshop/area of work and train them in aspects such as health and safety, Control of Substance Hazardous to Health (COSHH), machinery and tools usage. Delivering understanding and consequences of an employment compact, Industry related regulations para 49. Responsible for the prisoner compact, to ensure each prisoner understands and signs the compact and updates compact as necessary.
• Deliver training to prisoners to enable them to gain nationally recognised qualifications (NVQs or equivalent) within the workshop with the assistance of assessors and local colleges. Provide quality assurance against product specification.
• Assess and evaluate skills of prisoners up to national qualifications standards and to complete all relevant documentation pertaining to the gaining of qualifications, including signing and completing witness testimonies and specialist testimonies. Setting work schedules and manage targets/quality standards, maintaining delivery of contractual arrangements where required.
• Will especially work closely with resettlement teams and stakeholders to provide each prisoner with sufficient support to have employment opportunities upon release from custody. Contributing to maximising the opportunities for prisoners to attend work, programmes and purposeful activity, at times working with new employment providers.
• Supervise and maintain discipline of prisoners within workshop/area of work, responsible for performance, motivation, discipline, appraisal and development of prisoners.
• Maintain regular communications via radio net in accordance with Local Security Strategy (LSS).
• Contribute to prisoner reports including parole and sentence planning. Opening and completing Assessment Care in Custody and Teamwork (ACCT) forms, Violence Reduction Incident Reports (VRIR) and Security Information Reports (SIRs) when required and contribute to Incentive Earned Privileges (IEP) reports. Complete regime monitoring information and update prisoner training records. Logging attendance and approve prisoner hours worked and wages including recording piece work where appropriate.
• Contribute to Health and Safety risk assessments relating to the workshop/work of area and specialist areas, carrying out fabric and tool checks of workshops and maintaining security of areas, logging any tool/equipment faults. Undertake planned maintenance programme on machinery with responsibility for planning and requesting material and consumables to meet work targets.
• Participate in self-audit and in achieving Service Delivery Indicators (SDIs). Completing administration activities to support the smooth running of the workshop as well as conducting a metal detector scan or rub down search of prisoners attending and leaving their own workshops.
The duties/responsibilities listed above describe the post as it is at present and is not intended to be exhaustive. The job holder is expected to accept reasonable alterations and additional tasks of a similar level that may be necessary. Significant adjustments may require re-examination under the Job Evaluation Scheme and shall be discussed in the first instance with the job holder.
An ability to fulfil all spoken aspects of the role with confidence through the medium of English or (where specified in Wales) Welsh.