The post holder will be responsible for:
Patient Navigating:
· Prospective and proactive management of the inter-trust cancer pathway, monitoring, reporting and tracking cancer patients, ensuring that the patient’s journey is processed in a timely and efficient manner, in line with the SSG agreed pathway and with the Cancer Waiting Times Targets.
· Resolving delays in the pathway at the earliest opportunity and where this is not possible escalating issues in accordance with Trust and network procedures
Patient Navigating:
· Prospective and proactive management of the inter-trust cancer pathway, monitoring, reporting and tracking cancer patients, ensuring that the patient’s journey is processed in a timely and efficient manner, in line with the SSG agreed pathway and with the Cancer Waiting Times Targets.
· Resolving delays in the pathway at the earliest opportunity and where this is not possible escalating issues in accordance with Trust and network procedures
· Co-ordinating and providing administrative support to the cancer S/LMDT(s), ensuring that all relevant paperwork and clinical information is available including case notes, imaging and pathology as necessary. To attend S/MDT’S keeping comprehensive records of attendance, outcomes as discussed.
· Ensuring the timely and efficient transfer of patients and information between trusts involved in the patient pathway, adhering to network SSG agreed communication pathways and protocols
Data collection and analysis:
· Ensuring data collection is undertaken in a prospective manner, assuring accuracy at all times. Using both local and national datasets, including Open Exeter and the Trust Cancer waiting Times data base.
· Analysing target breaches and report to Cancer Manager and Lead S/LMDT clinician and S/LMDT Service Improvement Clinical Lead
Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust provides hospital services to a growing population of around 700,000 people living across Bedfordshire and the surrounding areas across two busy hospital sites in Bedford and Luton. Both hospital sites offer key services such as A&E, Obstetrics-led Maternity and Paediatrics. You will be joining a friendly, high performing Trust committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of staff. As one of the largest NHS Trusts in our region you will have access to a programme of high quality training and development to help you grow your career. The Trust continues to be committed to delivering the best patient care using the best clinical knowledge and technology.
Our Values
We not only recruit based on qualifications and experience - we recruit individuals who demonstrate the behaviours which underpin our Trusts core values. We achieve this by using values based recruitment. We are dedicated to making our recruitment practices as inclusive as possible for everyone, we are committed to promoting equality and diversity, and creating a culture that values differences.
Please note that vacancies may close prior to the advertised closing date when sufficient number of applications have been received. All new staff will be subject to a probationary period covering first 6 months in post. Travel between hospital sites may be required. Please review all documents attached to ensure you familiarize yourself with all requirements of the job.
Patient Navigating
1. To navigate patients through their care pathway, from point of referral to treatment, in accordance with the pathway steps and timescales agreed by the SSG. Using hospital IT systems of reporting including PAS, endoscopy reporting systems, radiology reporting systems and histology.
2. To proactively pre-book appointments in accordance with the SSG agreed pathway ensuring that wherever possible patients reach each step in accordance with SSG agreed pathway timescales.
3. To escalate diagnostic appointments for target patients, (if booked outside the appropriate timescale).
4. To proactively identify and resolve delays at all stages in the patient pathway. Where this is not possible, to follow the escalation procedure and network policy for inter-trust transfers, highlighting any relevant issues to line Management.
5. To ensure that patients who require transfer to a tertiary centre are transferred in accordance with the network and SSG agreed timescales, using the appropriate SMDT referral proforma. Making sure that the SMDT referral proforma is complete and sent to the centre within 24hours of the clinical decision to refer the patient and that that all the clinical information as specified by the SSG is transferred within agreed timescales.
6. To highlight any bottlenecks within the process, communicating regularly with line management, and where possible suggesting and implementing solutions.
7. To liaise with other Trusts both within the Network and outside, in order to achieve continuous monitoring of the patients pathway.
8. To identify and advise clinical teams on when waiting times adjustments can be made to the patient journey, ensuring these are accurately documented.
L/SMDT Co-ordination
9. To ensure that the room is booked and prepared prior to the S/LMDT, schedule future dates for S/LMDT meetings and ensure a suitable venue is booked on an annual basis.
10. To assist in the preparation of patients lists for S/LMDT, collating information provided by Lead Clinicians, nurse specialists and medical secretaries. To ensure that all members are advised of meetings and any change of date, venue, etc.
11. To oversee that all clinical information is available including patients notes, images and results, in order to support and ensure a smooth running S/LMDT and to facilitate timely clinical decision making.
12. To attend allocated S/LMDT meetings, keeping comprehensive records of attendance and outcomes. To provide reports as requested, including Peer Review. To maintain up-to-date membership lists.
13. To manage systems to inform GP’S of patient diagnosis and treatment decision taken at S/LMDT.
14. To ensure that any investigations, treatments and any other actions from the S/LMDT are booked in a timely manner, avoiding any delay in the process.
15. See previous section for SMDT proforma completion and sending of the clinical referral
16. At the S/LMDT meeting ensuring that Consultants and S/LMDT members are aware of patient target treatment dates in relation to the Cancer Waiting Times 31 and 62 day targets. Also advising them of actual or potential delays in progress, or breaches to key milestones including inter-trust referral timelines and decision to treat dates.
Data Collection and analysis
17. To ensure that the compulsory cancer data sets are completed
18. To liaise with the relevant clinical teams to ensure quality of data collected
19. To attend the S/LMDT(s) and complete appropriate data collection at the meeting and after, in particular ensuring accurate recording of clinical decisions
20. To request patients notes to gain further accurate information when completing outcomes
21. To maintain the national Audit datasets for the S/LMDT
22. To respond to new reporting requirements as required
23. To collect additional cancer dataset items as and when they become either mandatory or required by Cancer Service Manager, lead Clinicians and Trust Management.
1. Analyse patient journeys for all patients who breach the 62 or 31 day cancer targets, including patients treated at another Trust, reporting findings to the cancer manager and S/LMDT lead clinicians
2. As an ongoing process consider opportunities for improvements in the co-ordination of the pathway and in the efficient transfer of patients and information between Trusts
26. To support the Cancer Services Peer Review, Cancer Service Improvement Partnership and other quality improvement processes within Cancer Services.
27. To provide cover for absent colleagues to ensure a smooth running service.
28. To undertake related training as required.
29. To develop a good working knowledge of anatomy, terminology, treatment types, medical coding and pathology relating to cancer. (To attend relevant courses as required)
30. To assist in Cancer Services related projects within the Trust and to raise awareness of the Cancer waiting Times targets.
31. To undertake additional information requests and associated duties as and when required.
This advert closes on Monday 10 Mar 2025