ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES As a senior manager of QEF, take a leading role in the transformation and change agenda so that a culture of continuous and ambitious improvement and efficiency is embedded in service design and delivery. Apply to be the QEF registered manager of CRC Within the framework of Care Quality Commission, Health and Social Care Legislation, Safeguarding Procedures and general good practice, to lead on the implementation of QEFs policies ensuring that the services are safe and of high quality, ensuring that risks are recorded, regularly reviewed and reported as required. Ensure clients care and welfare is prioritised, championing clients well-being, safety and quality of life at all times. Provide staff support to ensure effective health and social care of clients is in line with legislation and current best practice Propose suggestions and innovative approaches to service delivery which will maximise income opportunities, promote efficiencies and champion personalisation Ensure that the service continues to meet all legislative and organisational standards and good practice guidance through the implementation of effective quality management frameworks Promote staff engagement by communicating in such a way as to ensure an open and honest culture where staff feel empowered Provide clear direction to enable all client queries, complaints and advocacy matters are dealt with effectively and efficiently and feeding back to Head of Service or other relevant stakeholders where performance or quality may be considered at risk and need for review. Develop, train and motivate staff through leading by example, promoting teamwork, developing and maintaining a learning culture to ensure high levels of performance Ensure the building, environment and equipment is maintained to a safe standard through regular review with the Facilities team. Provide on call cover as required.