Please refer to the full job description & person specification We strongly encourage interested applicants to visit the hub for an informal visit and arrangement can be made using the contact details below. For more information about this really exciting opportunity please contact Sally Benton, Hub Director; or Martin Brealey, General Manager for Screening Services Organise and facilitate the development of a communication strategy and approach within the Hub, FPH & RSCH Trusts and within the University. Work closely with all screening centres, providing guidance and support. Liaise closely with the National Programme (NHSE) for rollout of programme and other issues which may arise. Work closely with Hub leads, to support and implement Hub objectives. Liaise closely with, and report regularly to, the General Manager of Hub Screening Services. Liaise closely with the Hub Director on delivery of the service. Liaise as required with Berkshire and Surrey Pathology Services (BSPS) colleagues. Prepare regular performance and operational reports, ensuring that progress and problems are clearly communicated. Regularly review the number of invitations being sent out daily for each of the 18 Screening Centres ensuring that any changes are introduced smoothly to minimise disruption to their workflow and to ensure that any drift from screening due date is minimised. This may involve communicating unwelcome news and securing commitment to unpopular measures in order to bring the programme back within plan. Develop review and monitor Key Performance indicators in discussion with the General Manager of Hub Screening Services in addition to Southern Hub Management Team. Represent the Hub at regional and national meetings as required. Keep the General Manager and Director appraised of promotional material and promotional activities being undertaken by the National BCSP and by Screening Centres services by the Hub. Liaise with Partnership Pathology Services, relevant Consultants, Human Resources, IT and Finance across the three organisations (RSCH, FPH and University of Surrey) in relation to related work streams and tasks to ensure that work is neither overlooked nor duplicated. Refer all media enquiries to the Director.