Executive Director
Job description
Job Title: Executive Director (ED)
Responsible to: Board of Trustees
Jointly responsible for: Community Director, Deputy Executive Director (fixed term), Development Director, Marketing & Sales Director, Production & Technical Director
As the Executive Director, you will lead the organisation collaboratively with the Artistic Director (AD). The ED has overall responsibility for supporting the OT's artistic programme by providing organisational, financial and managerial leadership for the company. Working in tandem with the AD, the ED will promote and maintain an organisational culture which values the highest standards in performance, both in executing the artistic vision and in management practice.
The AD and ED will form the executive team and will report individually and jointly to the Board. Together they will be responsible for the creative and managerial success of the Company although each will have responsibility for discrete areas of the Company’s operation.
Currently, the AD and ED are Joint CEOs. This will be reviewed during the recruitment process; we are open to candidates with and without prior CEO experience.
Joint Responsibilities with the Artistic Director
1. To deliver the OT’s business plan 2023—2028 and to create the next business plan for presentation ...