• Job title: Minister of religion
the appropriate SOC code.: 2444
• Details of duties: conducting religious worship, providing pastoral care (especially to the sick, distressed or needy) or conducting weddings, funerals or baptisms (or the equivalent
• Salary :22000
Job title; Religious worker
the appropriate SOC code.: 2444
• Details of duties: Leading religious services or ceremonies.
Providing counselling or support to individuals or groups.
Organizing and leading community outreach or service programs.
Promoting religious education or teachings.
Managing finances.
Overseeing administrative tasks, playing instruments (organ, Piano, Drums, Guitar, Singing etc)
SALARY: 10000-15000 pounds
JOB TITTLE: Volunteer works
• Details of duties
fundraisers, organising events and activities to generate financial support for charities and non-profit organisations, paying visit to care homes, helping people to do shopping etc
• Details of the skill, experience and qualifications required for each post
Must have been a minister of religion for at least 2 years.
Must have experience of managing people
Must be ordained
Must be CRB cleared
For the religious workers
Must have experience of leading religious services
Experience of promoting religious education
Must have knowledge of playing instruments or teaching how to play instruments
Must be a ble to speak English