The post holder will be self-employed and will administrate all aspects of work related to the school, including the day-to-day running of the schools, liaising with tutors and instructors, keeping records and organising all aspects of schoolwork.
The post holder will attend Board meetings, record minutes and distribute to relevant parties.
The post holder will assist the Board in all aspects of fund-raising including grant applications.
The post holder will also seek funders relevant to the workings of the school.
The Arts Council of Northern Ireland requires quarterly returns and year-end reports to be completed accurately and on time, and the post holder will be responsible to ensure this is completed.
There are annual returns and reports to be completed for the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland and reports and accounts to be uploaded to Companies House.
The post holder will also keep accurate records and assist in the payment of tutors, instructors, and invoices from suppliers.
* The job entails responding to all emails, telephone calls, and correspondence, managing office diary and bookings, liaising with school tutors and instructors, and following through on projects and initiating new ones.
* Booking venues and liaising with the relevant schools we teach in, keeping records up to date, ensuring child protection and health and safety regulations are followed and updated.
* Making sure data protection and data privacy regulations are followed.
* Ensuring disability standards meet current regulations.
* Producing and distributing publicity material, flyers, posters, and banners.
* Preparing press releases and ensuring the school receives publicity.
* Maintaining our website and using social media, email, and other platforms to promote the school.
To apply, please send a CV of no more than 2 pages (including 2 references) and a covering letter outlining why you would be suitable for the role to Tele. 07850789935, this contact may also be used for informal inquiries about the role.
About the Organisation
The Northern Ireland Piping and Drumming School has been established since 1979 when it was an education project within the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association but was made semi-autonomous in 1984 with its own constitution under its Director Sam Bailie.
The school became a Company Limited by Guarantee with Charitable Status in 2010 with its own Board of Directors and Trustees.
The school has been funded by the Arts Council for Northern Ireland for 45 years.
The Northern Ireland Piping and Drumming School currently operates in three locations: Lisburn, Dungannon, and Enniskillen.
We also teach in primary schools and in schools for special educational needs.
The school has an online teaching facility through Google Workspace, which has lessons and digital books for online learning.
During this time, the school has developed a program of instruction through eight sequential and progressive grades for the Theory of Music and Practical playing in Piping and Drumming, with many students attaining music to GCSE standards and with some students taking further education with London College of Music and beyond.
In its 45 years of existence, the school has tutored over 4,000 students, some going on to achieve World recognition as performers and teachers.
The school teaches on Saturday mornings in two centres, Laurelhill Community College in Lisburn and Devenish College in Enniskillen, and also has classes in Ranfurly House in Dungannon on a Wednesday evening. The school has an outreach program which teaches in primary schools as well as schools with special educational needs. The school has an online teaching platform using Google Workspace which contains both video and audio music lessons as well.