Are you an experienced marketing professional? Do you have experience of the education sector? Do you wish to work with a well know organisation who are looking to increase student numbers?
Robertson Bell are working with a multi academy trust to recruit an Interim Senior Marketing Consultant to aid them in increasing student numbers.
The main responsibility of the Interim Senior Marketing Consultant will be to work with the Senior Management Team to help devise a marketing strategy around increased student numbers. This would include a high level marketing plan and day to day detailed marketing activity.
The contract is very flexible in how it is approached, including but not limited to:
1. A three – six month contract.
2. On going and part time support over a longer period of time.
3. Ad hoc support
4. Or a combination of any of the above.
The multi academy trust already have a strong reputation and the project is not a turnaround/ major PR campaign to change perception or public opinion. They are proving a high quality educational service and are looking to do this on a wider scale through the whole of the UK. This is a great role for someone to add to their current portfolio or a marketing professional looking for their next contract.
The central team of this group of schools are specifically looking for an expert who has tangible experience in developing marketing strategies with the specific aim of increasing student numbers in a school setting and therefore please make this experience obvious and evident on your CV to be considered.