Job overview
The Specialist Community Perinatal Mental Health Team provides support for women who experience serious mental health problems or present with a high risk of relapse during pregnancy and the postnatal period. The team is able to work alongside women and their families until the baby's first birthday.
The team works across Bristol, North Somerset, & South Gloucestershire (BNSSG). The team has a shared care ethos, working closely with primary care, maternity services, adult mental health teams, early years’ services, and independent sector organisations to ensure that women can have access to specialist support, advice, risk assessment, and care planning in relation to their mental health needs.
The Perinatal Nursery Nurse will work with service users over a variety of areas, but particularly in relation to caring for their child, and ensuring the bonding with, and wellbeing of, their baby. They will have regular contact with the mother; the frequency of this will be agreed between the service user and nursery nurse and be dependent on need and level of support required.
Main duties of the job
The Perinatal Nursery Nurse approach will be person-centred, adapting to changing needs, but incorporates some of the following:
1. Managing the expectation and practicalities of motherhood
2. Antenatal support: bonding with bump, looking after yourself during pregnancy, exploring what parenting values are important to you. Preparing a hospital bag, and what equipment/resources are needed to care for a baby.
3. Support with bonding and attachment - postnatal.
4. Managing emotions of the mother and signposting to appropriate additional local support if needed (within team and without), enabling them to feel confident managing their baby's emotions.
5. Practical parent craft
6. Baby Massage (Bonding, value of touch, responsiveness, understanding your baby's communication)
7. Neonatal Behaviour Observation (NBO) (getting to know your baby)
8. Breast/bottle feeding and expressing
9. Sleep Hygiene, managing expectations and highlighting sleep patterns in babies
10. Support with adapting to the new role as a mother
11. Early play and development work
12. Listening visits (support for mum)
13. Signposting (NHS and voluntary/charitable)