To identify, and develop strategic relationships with regional/key employer partners and organisations, and establish and grow a pipeline of sustainable employment opportunities within the region. Focussing on growth employment sectors to identify new opportunities, and ensure we understand, and can adapt to changing market demands. Working in a collaborative manner with both external partners and internal colleagues to minimise duplication of effort, and ensure personal, team and business targets/objectives are met.
Salary :
Non London - £25,800 to £30,900
1. Development and ownership of regional sector plans, linked to the national employer engagement strategy
2. Source and share market insight/feedback from key employ partners/organisations to develop our plans and to support LMI and the analyst role
3. Identification, engagement and management of key employer relationships within a sector(s), and region to become the ‘recruitment partner of choice’
4. Development and management of employment opportunity pipeline including ring fenced/guaranteed vacancies, work experience placements, job fairs etc.
5. Coordination of recruitment activity to ensure employer needs are met
6. Expert advice, guidance and support e.g workforce planning, training needs analysis
7. Co-designing employment routeways to address current/future recruitment needs
8. Facilitate and encourage employer support as part of the p...