Please refer to the attached job description and person specification for full details of responsibilities. To work alongside the Team Manager, Clinical Lead and Senior Leadership Team to continue to develop the service and maintain the highest quality of service delivery. To support the Team Manager and Clinical Lead with staff supervision, referrals management and investigating complaints. To work as an integral member of the CAMHS Neurodevelopment Community Team, providing comprehensive mental health and diagnostic assessments of neurodevelopmental disorders and other specialist assessments (if applicable such as SALT, OT, Cognitive), demonstrating the appropriate use, interpretation and integration of data from a variety of sources including, self-report measures, rating scales, direct and indirect structured observations and semi-structured interviews with clients, family members and others involved in the clients care. To be part of the MDT formulation meetings and have the ability to utilise specialist knowledge to make decisions about a child or young persons mental health and neurodevelopmental needs. To participate in the prevention and early detection of emotional and mental health difficulties in children and adolescents referred to the service. To participate in the planning and delivery of evidence-based therapeutic programmes e.g. Positive Behaviour Support, CBT and Parenting programmes on both an individual and group basis to children and young people and their families. To develop formulations of presenting problems or situations that integrate information from assessments within a coherent framework that draws upon mental health theory and evidence which incorporates developmental, interpersonal, societal, cultural and biological factors.