Lleoliad gwaith: Coed Pella
Rydym yn chwilio am unigolyn brwdfrydig i ymuno â’n tîm er mwyn darparu gwasanaethau rheng flaen i gwsmeriaid sy’n chwilio am gymorth wrth wneud cais am Fudd-dal Tai, Gostyngiad Treth y Cyngor, Budd-dal Addysg a Thaliad Disgresiwn at Gostau Tai. Mae’r swydd yn cynnwys symiau uchel o ymholiadau gan gwsmeriaid sydd eisiau cyngor a chefnogaeth. Byddwn yn darparu cymorth a chyngor i gwsmeriaid dros y ffôn, e-bost a llythyrau, a wyneb yn wyneb.
Bydd gan yr ymgeisydd delfrydol brofiad yn y maes gwasanaeth i gwsmeriaid. Mae gallu rheoli a blaenoriaethu eich llwyth gwaith eich hun yn hanfodol, yn ogystal â phrofiad o ddefnyddio technoleg gyfrifiadurol.
Oherwydd natur y gwaith, bydd angen cael gwiriad boddhaol gan y Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd.
Manylion y rheolwr ar gyfer trafodaeth anffurfiol: Sarah Smith, Rheolwr Asesiadau Ariannol a Budd-daliadau (Sarah.smith@conwy.gov.uk / 01492 576410 )
Gofynion y Gymraeg: Mae’r gallu i gyfarthrebu yn y Gymraeg yn hanfodol ar gyfer y swydd hon. Rydym ni wedi ymrwymo i'r Gymraeg ac yn falch iawn o’n diwylliant Cymreig. Rydym yn croesawu ceisiadau yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg fel ei gilydd ac ni fydd ffurflenni cais a dderbynnir yn y naill iaith na’r llall yn cael eu trin yn llai ffafriol na’i gilydd.
Rydym yn frwdfrydig dros eich cefnogi a’ch annog i ddefnyddio’ch Cymraeg, beth bynnag eich lefel; ac mae gennym ni ddosbarthiadau am ddim ar gyfer pob lefel, wyneb yn wyneb ac ar-lein, i’ch cefnogi chi ymhellach.
Mae Conwy wedi ymrwymo i ddiogelu. Bydd cymwysterau a geirdaon yn cael eu dilysu.
Rydym wedi ymrwymo i ddatblygu gweithlu amrywiol a thimoedd cynhwysol sy’n croesawu ystod eang o leisiau, profiadau, safbwyntiau a chefndiroedd. Mae creu gweithle sy’n groesawgar a lle mae pawb yn teimlo eu bod yn perthyn yn sicrhau y gallwn ddarparu gwasanaethau rhagorol.
Croesawn ac anogwn ymgeiswyr o bob cefndir a phrofiadau.
Rydym yn Gyflogwr Hyderus o ran Anabledd. Os oes gennych anabledd wedi’i ddatgan yn eich cais, gallwn sicrhau cyfweliad os ydych yn profi eich bod yn bodloni meini prawf hanfodol y swydd yn eich cais (gofynion a nodir gyda ‘H’ ar y Manylion am yr Unigolyn).
Rydym yn fodlon darparu addasiadau rhesymol trwy gydol y broses recriwtio (ac mewn cyflogaeth) lle bynnag bosibl. Anogwn i chi wneud cais am addasiadau. Er mwyn gwneud hyn, cysylltwch â’r rheolwr a enwir uchod er mwyn trafod eich anghenion a chymorth posibl. Mae dewisiadau i wneud cais trwy ffurfiau gwahanol, cysylltwch â’r Tîm AD ar 01492 576129 er mwyn trafod sut y gallwn eich cefnogi chi. Ni fydd y ceisiadau hyn yn eich rhoi dan unrhyw anfantais.
Work base: Coed Pella
We are seeking an enthusiastic person to join our team, which delivers frontline services to customers seeking assistance in claiming Housing Benefit, Council Tax Reduction, Education Benefits and Discretionary Housing Payments. This role involves managing a high volume of enquiries from customers seeking advice and support. You will provide assistance and guidance to customers via phone, email, letters and in person.
The ideal candidate will have experience in a customer service role. An ability to manage and prioritise own workload is essential as is experience in using computer technology.
Due to the nature of the work, it will be necessary to obtain a satisfactory disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
Manager details for informal discussion: Sarah Smith, Benefits & Financial Assessment Manager (Sarah.smith@conwy.gov.uk / 01492 576410)
Welsh Language Skills: The ability to communicate in Welsh is essential for this post. We are committed to our Welsh language and are proud of our Welsh culture. We welcome applications in both Welsh and English and application forms received in either language will not be treated less favourably than each other.
We’re passionate about supporting and encouraging you to use your Cymraeg whatever your level. We offer free classes at all levels, in-person and on-line to support you.
Conwy is committed to safeguarding. Qualifications and references will be verified.
We’re committed to developing a diverse workforce and inclusive teams that embrace a wide range of voices, experiences, perspectives and backgrounds. Creating a workplace that is welcoming and where everyone feels they belong ensures we can deliver great services.
We welcome and encourage applicants from all backgrounds and experiences.
We are a Disability Confident Employer. If you have declared a disability in your application, we guarantee an interview if you evidence that you meet the essential criteria of the job in your application (requirements marked with an ‘E’ on the Person Specification).
We are happy to provide reasonable adjustments throughout the recruitment process (and in employment) where possible. We encourage you to request adjustments. To do this please contact the manager named above to discuss your needs and potential support. There are options to apply via different formats, please contact the HR Team on 01492 576129 to discuss how we can support you. These requests will not put you at any disadvantage.
Proud member of the Disability Confident employer scheme
Disability Confident
About Disability Confident
A Disability Confident employer will generally offer an interview to any applicant that declares they have a disability and meets the minimum criteria for the job as defined by the employer. It is important to note that in certain recruitment situations such as high-volume, seasonal and high-peak times, the employer may wish to limit the overall numbers of interviews offered to both disabled people and non-disabled people. For more details please go to Disability Confident .