To ensure own actions contribute to the maintenance of a quality service provision. To be responsible for the self-development of skills and competencies through participation in training and development activities and to maintain up to date technical and professional knowledge relevant to the post. To participate in the ICS performance and development review and to undertake any identified training and development related to the post. To undertake statutory and mandatory training as deemed appropriate by the ICS. To develop and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues. To adhere to all ICS policies and procedures. The post holder shall as necessary provide cover for and undertake duties of absent colleagues. Safeguarding Children and Adults All staff must ensure they adhere to the ICBs safeguarding children and adults policy and comply with the Local Safeguarding Children and Adult Board procedures. They must be mindful of their responsibility to safeguard children and adults in any activity performed on behalf of the ICB in line with the requirements of statutory guidance and legislation. Staff must keep up to date with safeguarding knowledge and skills by undertaking mandatory safeguarding training as specified in the ICB safeguarding policies, which includes understanding and recognising the signs of abuse and neglect and knowing how to raise concerns when these are identified.