With over 700 years of dynamic and fascinating history and having recently made one of the largest acquisitions completed in the Trust, it’s an exciting time to join the team at Chirk Castle. We’re seeking an innovative, creative, and collaborative leader to take collections conservation, visitor experience and engagement to the next level at one of the largest and most visited properties in the region. Rheolwr Tŷ a Chasgliadau Gyda hanes sy’n pontio dros 700 mlynedd ac fel un o'r caffaeliadau mwyaf sydd wedi’i gwblhau yn yr Ymddiriedolaeth yn ddiweddar, dyma gyfnod cyffrous i ymuno â’r tîm yng Nghastell y Waun. Rydym yn awyddus i benodi arweinydd ysbrydoledig, creadigol a chydweithredol i dywys gwaith cadwraeth casgliadau, profiad ymwelwyr ac ymgysylltiad i’r lefel nesaf yn un o eiddo mwyaf o ran maint a mwyaf poblogaidd y rhanbarth. What it's like to work here Reporting to the Property Operations Manager, you'll lead a small group of deeply committed conservation staff as well as a large and very active volunteer cohort. As a key Head of Department, you'll play a leading role in the effective operation of this unique and historic Castle, the delivery of the property business plan, development of long-term strategies and leadership of exciting projects. You'll be public holiday and weekend working as part of the role. Sut brofiad yw gweithio yma? Yn atebol i'r Rheolwr Gweithrediadau Eiddo, byddwch yn rheoli grŵp bach o staff cadwraeth hynod ymroddedig yn ogystal â charfan fawr a gweithredol iawn o wirfoddolwyr. Fel Pennaeth Adran allweddol, byddwch yn cyfrannu’n helaeth at weithrediad effeithiol y Castell unigryw a hanesyddol hwn, cyflawni cynllun busnes yr eiddo, datblygu strategaethau hirdymor ac arwain prosiectau cyffrous. Fel rhan o'r swydd, bydd gofyn i chi weithio gwyliau cyhoeddus a phenwythnosau What you'll be doing This is a unique opportunity for a self-motivated, dynamic, and upbeat leader to inspire the collections and house team and volunteers toward the shared vision of making Chirk Castle an absolute must-see destination. You'll play a key part in the ‘Chirk Re-imagined’ project which will revolutionise the visitor experience of Chirk Castle, from our day-to-day core offer to brilliant new experiences and opening new spaces which our visitors have never seen before. Providing inspirational leadership and working collaboratively with the whole property team, your creativity and enthusiasm for engagement and innovation will help existing and new audiences connect with Chirk and its important collections in new and exciting ways. You'll innovate and drive standards of presentation, conservation and collections care. This will include working closely with the Experience & Visitor Programming Manager and their team delivering dynamic experiences and an engaging programme of exhibitions. Beth fyddwch chi’n ei wneud? Dyma gyfle unigryw ar gyfer arweinydd brwdfrydig, dynamig a bywiog i ysbrydoli tîm a gwirfoddolwyr y casgliadau a’r tŷ i weithio tuag at y weledigaeth gyffredin o wneud Castell y Waun yn gyrchfan y mae’n rhaid i bawb ei gweld. Byddwch yn chwarae rhan allweddol ym mhrosiect, ‘Y Waun ar ei Newydd Wedd’, a fydd yn trawsnewid profiad yr ymwelydd yng Nghastell y Waun, o’n cynnig craidd bob dydd i brofiadau newydd gwych ac agor mannau newydd nad yw ein hymwelwyr erioed wedi’u gweld o'r blaen. Gan gynnig arweinyddiaeth ysbrydoledig a gweithio ar y cyd gyda thîm yr eiddo cyfan, bydd eich creadigedd a'ch brwdfrydedd tuag at ymgysylltu hefyd yn helpu cynulleidfaoedd hen a newydd i gysylltu’n arloesol â’r Waun a'r casgliadau pwysig sydd gennym yma mewn ffyrdd newydd a chyffrous. Byddwch yn arloesi ac yn ysgogi safonau arddangos, cadwraeth a gofal casgliadau. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys gweithio’n agos gyda’r Rheolwr Profiad a Rhaglenni Ymwelwyr a’u tîm gan ddarparu profiadau deinamig a rhaglen ddifyr o arddangosfeydd. Who we're looking for: an enthusiasm for engaging people and sharing the stories behind our collection and conservation work for a range of different audiences experience and knowledge managing historic collections and houses, with an enthusiasm to be forward thinking and innovative in your approach to collections care and preventive conservation proficiency in commissioning remedial conservation for a wide range of objects and caring for the historic fabric of the building excellent project-management skills, with an eye for detail and precision in planning complex short and long-term projects the ability to lead, motivate and develop your team, as well as experience managing volunteers experience in relevant compliance, health and safety, and emergency procedures Am bwy ydym yn chwilio? brwdfrydedd dros ymgysylltu ac adrodd y straeon sydd wrth wraidd ein casgliadau a’n gwaith cadwraeth i ystod o gynulleidfaoedd gwahanol profiad a gwybodaeth am reoli casgliadau a thai hanesyddol, gyda brwdfrydedd dros gynllunio ymlaen llaw yng nghyd-destun casgliadau a chadwraeth ataliol, yn ogystal ag awydd i arloesi yn y maes hyfedredd mewn comisiynu cadwraeth adferol ar gyfer ystod eang o wrthrychau a gofalu am elfen hanesyddol yr adeilad sgiliau rheoli prosiect rhagorol, gyda sylw da i fanylion a manwl gywirdeb wrth gynllunio prosiectau cymhleth, a hynny ar gyfer y tymor byr a’r tymor hir y gallu i gael y gorau o’ch tîm, eu cymell a’u datblygu, yn ogystal â phrofiad o reoli gwirfoddolwyr profiad o reoli gweithdrefnau cydymffurfio, iechyd a diogelwch a brys perthnasol The package The National Trust has the motto ‘For everyone, for ever’ at its heart. We’re working hard to create an inclusive culture, where everyone feels they belong. It’s important that our people reflect and represent the diversity of the communities and audiences we serve. We welcome and value difference, so when we say we’re for everyone, we want everyone to be welcome in our teams too. Substantial pension scheme of up to 10% basic salary Free entry to National Trust places for you, a guest and your children (under 18) Rental deposit loan scheme Season ticket loan EV car lease scheme Perks at work discounts such as gym memberships, shopping discount codes, cinema discounts Holiday allowance up to 32 days relating to length of service, plus holiday purchase scheme, subject to meeting minimum criteria. Flexible working whenever possible Employee assistance programme Free parking at most Trust places