Job Start Date: 1 September 2025
Contract/Hours: Permanent, Full-time
Salary type: Leadership Scale Salary
Details: L11-17 - negotiable depending on experience
NOR: 230 - Group 2
The Governors of St Joseph’s are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic and inspirational Headteacher to lead our friendly and successful school who:
1. Is a committed, practising Catholic with a distinctive vision of Catholic education in the 21st century and who cherishes and supports the Catholic ethos of the school;
2. Has excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to lead, motivate and inspire;
3. Will continue to raise aspirations, standards and achievements for all our children;
4. Has proven leadership skills and can continue to advance our high-quality teaching and learning;
5. Is a strategic thinker, with a vision to introduce new ideas along with the ability to identify and sustain long-term improvement.
We can offer you:
1. A wonderful opportunity to lead a happy and successful school as it enters an exciting future as part of the St Gabriel the Archangel MAC from September 2025;
2. Professional and dedicated teaching and support staff who are committed to providing high-quality education for all children;
3. Happy, confident and enthusiastic children who enjoy learning;
4. Staff and governors committed to securing the best for all pupils;
5. A close working relationship with parents, parish, cluster schools and the wider community.
We are looking for an inspirational leader who will ensure that St Joseph’s continues to provide a broad and rich curriculum, rooted in gospel values. As a practising Catholic, your drive and vision will help us continue to maximise the achievements of all our children and to live out our mission statement of “To inspire, to learn, to love with God”. Our enthusiastic children who are proud of their school and their achievements will warmly welcome you.
Currently rated Good by Ofsted October 2023. “St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is a caring, supportive and safe school. There is an exceptionally strong sense of community, and everyone helps each other to do their best”.
Visits to the school are encouraged. Please contact the School Bursar Helen Edge at the school via Email office@st-josephs-hednesford.staffs.sch.uk or call 01543 227225. Further information regarding the school can be found on the school website at www.st-josephs-hednesford.staffs.sch.uk.
Please could completed CES application forms together with your letter of application (no more than 2 sides of A4 paper) be either emailed to office@st-josephs-hednesford.staffs.sch.uk or sent to the school: St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Hill Top, Hednesford, Cannock, Staffs, WS12 1DE for the attention of Clerk to Governors.
Closing Date for Applications: 12pm on 24th March 2025
Shortlisting: Wednesday 26th March 2025
Interview Day: Thursday 3rd April 2025
We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. Appointments to this post will be subject to a satisfactory enhanced DBS check, together with receipt of suitable references. Online searches will be carried out on shortlisted candidates.