Job Description Cardiology is the largest department within the Medicine Care Group employing 160 personnel with an annual budget of £14 million. Cardiology is led by a Clinical Director, Business Service Manager, Matron and Principal Physiologist supported by the Care Group Director, General Manager and Head of Nursing who are in turn supported by a Divisional Director, Divisional Operations Director and Divisional Nurse Director. The department consists of a 50 bedded purpose built cardiology unit with 3 cardiac catheterisation laboratories, a 12 bedded CCU, 5 echo rooms, a 14-bed day ward, a TOE and stress-echo room as well as a dedicated cardiology out-patient suite. The consultant team is supported by 10 SpRs, who provide 24/7 middle grade cover, and 1 specialty doctor. We have 10 junior doctors across grades FY1 – CMT2. The medical staff are supported by a Physicians Associate and teams of Clinician Assistants, hospital based Heart Failure Nurse Specialists, Arrhythmia Nurse Specialists and Cardiac Rehab Nurse Specialists. There is a comprehensive team of cardiac physiologists with national specialist accreditation (BSE or Heart Rhythm UK) who independently run pacemaker and echo clinics as well as supporting all laboratory activities. In addition, there are student physiologists and cardiographers who provide resting and ambulatory ECG services as well as a team of fully trained EP cardiac physiologists. Heart Failure Service The heart failure service is delivered by five consultants (Professor Paul Kalra, Dr Geraint Morton, Dr Kaushik Guha, Dr Helena Bolam and Dr Kokhoon Tay), 1 heart failure fellow, 1 specialty doctor, 5.5 WTE Trust based heart failure nurse specialists (HFNS), 1 WTE band 3 and 1.8 WTE administrators. There are 12 WTE community based HFNS (employed by Solent and Southern NHS Trusts). Extensive collaboration between the Trust, community providers and local commissioning groups has permitted the development of a seamless heart failure service, spanning primary and secondary care. The successful candidate will contribute to all aspects of the service, including with supporting rapid access heart failure reviews, the ambulatory heart failure service and the HFNS.