We need an office assistant who can work a minimum of 1 hour a day (or an average of 5 hours over a week) for 5 days a week from Monday to Friday.
book calendar invites for meetings
2. invoice clients
3. send terms of business to clients
4. fill out application forms
1. bookkeeping
2. send gifts to clients
3. book train tickets/book hotel rooms for travel/tickets for events
4. put together events calendar
5. uploading contacts to database
6. time trackers
7. create training videos for all of the above
8. create PDFs for business documents with nice company design
We will need you to be accessible via WhatsApp and email daily and sometimes by phone or video call.
We work in a high-tempo environment. We are a small startup, so everyone relies on each other to do the work well and do it quickly.
Skills Required:
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Languages Required:
Freelancer Type Required for This Project: