1. Support the Named Nurse for Safeguarding Adults in the design, delivery and evaluation of education and training programmes for UHSussex employees, which reflect best practice in safeguarding and ensure accessibility to all relevant staff. 2. Provide specialist knowledge, advice and practice to Trust staff consistent with the requirements of UHSussex Safeguarding Adult policy and procedures, Care Act (2014), Mental Capacity Act (2005), Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019, and other relevant NHS Englands safeguarding adult policies, procedures, guidelines and Care Quality Commission standards. 3.Assist in the development of quality assurance frameworks ensuring compliance with statutory record keeping and documentation requirements. 4.Monitor compliance with mandatory safeguarding training in conjunction with the workforce learning and development team. 5. Provide specific briefings/newsletters (e.g. sexual abuse, domestic abuse, mental capacity, deprivation of liberty safeguards) advice and guidance sessions to staff. 6. Work closely with safeguarding professionals in other health organisations to share good practice and to strengthen opportunities for development and networking within the field of safeguarding. 7. To provide advice and guidance to staff (including but not limited to clinical and non-clinical staff and volunteers) in UHSussex on all aspects of Adult Safeguarding including the Mental Capacity Act, Prevent, Modern Slavery, Domestic Abuse and to assist in the overseeing of Care Act Section 42 enquiries etc.. This will include liaison with health service colleagues in multi-disciplinary teams, other partner agencies, patients and carers, and others involved in providing health or social care. 8. Provide professional support to and deputise for Specialist Nurses for Safeguarding Adults. 9.To embed Think family approach by promoting effective safeguarding of adults at risk, enabling staff to identify families where adult safeguarding may be an issue, and which may also impact upon safeguarding children. 10. Provide face to face safeguarding advice and support to both Acute and Community sites across UHSussex.