Accounting and Business (AIA) Advisory Assistant - Preston - School Leaver - August 2024 Accounting and business advisory – getthe career you want at RSM
Our accounting and business advisory schoolleaver apprenticeship programme will give you all the skills and support youneed to unlock a future that’s packed with opportunities and new experiences.You’ll enjoy a fast-tracked business career that recognises your potential andrewards your ambition.
When you join our team, you’ll enjoy apowerful combination of on-the-job learning and structured training – not tomention an impressive client list to work with. You’ll discover a culture thatnurtures individuality and an environment where everyone is supported to reachtheir potential. With us, you’ll always be moving forward.
What does our accounting and businessadvisory team do?
Our accounting and business advisory teammakes sure companies’ financial statements comply with government regulationsand industry standards. We also advise on business strategies, providecompanies with financial forecasts and prepare management accounts that show anaccurate picture of business performance.
Our work helps put a set of figures intoperspective. We help our clients understand what the management accountsactually say about the state of their business. We help them identify key areaswhere they could improve performance.
We also provide daily advice to clientsacross a wide range of industry sectors. Many do not have in-house advisers whocan help them deal with day-to-day issues, so our team is often the first portof call when they have financial or business-related questions.
What can you expect?
RSM’s school leaver apprenticeship inaccounting and business advisory offers top quality career development. Withus, you’ll get involved in client work very quickly, and get the chance tolearn about different types of businesses from varying industry sectors. Thedepth of services and clients you’ll be exposed to early on will help youjump-start your accountancy career.
When you join this team, you’ll worktowards your professional qualifications by completing a 5-year apprenticeshipprogramme. This consists of the AAT qualification with the Association of AccountingTechnicians for the first two years, followed by the ACA qualification with theInstitute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW) for theremaining three years. If you are based in Scotland, you will complete the AATfirst then the Chartered Accountancy (CA) qualification with the Institute ofChartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS). If you are based in Ireland, you willcomplete the AAT first then the Chartered Accountancy (CA) qualification withChartered Accountants Ireland (CAI).
Initially, you’ll be working as part of alarger team. Once you’ve completed your initial professional qualifications,the complexity of your workload will increase and you’ll have the opportunityto take on more individual responsibilities and get involved in morechallenging accounting issues, such as applying international accountingstandards. With RSM, you’ll have the space to grow and be challenged and withour support, you’ll become a true trusted adviser to your clients.
What we look for
We’re on the lookout for enthusiasticself-starters who are quick to learn and always up for a challenge. You’ll beworking on a wide variety of projects, so it’s important that you’re adaptableand highly organised. Strong verbal and written communication skills areessential as you’ll be communicating at all levels, often explaining complexinformation both in meetings and in written reports. We also look for teamplayers who enjoy interacting with others and are curious about how businesseswork.
If that sounds like you, we know you’llenjoy being part of our team.
Flexible working
At RSM we work hard to create anenvironment where our people can make a difference - to themselves, theircareer, their teams, and to the success of our firm and clients. We support allour people to work flexibly, to manage their family and other responsibilitiesalongside their work commitments; we believe this is key to achieving aninspiring and fulfilling working environment.
Our recruitment process
Please note, for those who perform wellthroughout our assessment process, should your first preference be unavailable,you could potentially be offered a role in another location or department. Thiswould always be discussed with you in this instance.
RSM will onlytake one application into consideration per recruitment cycle. We do not acceptmultiple applications to different vacancies.
Entry requirements
At RSM, we don't just look for good examresults. We think passion, personality and originality are just as important.
You will need:
112 UCAS points across 3 A Levels or anequivalent level 3 qualification, or 104 UCAS points across 4 ScottishHighers/Advanced Highers or Irish Leaving Certificate (Higher Level).
Please note, RSM does not acceptGeneral Studies, AS levels or the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).School leaverPermanentPRESTONAccounting & Business Advisory31/05/2024