The School Chaplain has responsibility in two key areas of school life: pastoral and spiritual. The following descriptions should not be seen as discreet entities, but as closely interrelated, nor are they exhaustive.
Role and Responsibilities
The values, patterns and worship of the Christian tradition are a significant part of the inheritance and day-to-day life at Francis Holland School. The Chaplain’s role will be central in developing moral and spiritual awareness within the pupil and staff body. The successful candidate will have a deep commitment to education and to making a contribution to the shaping of young people’s spiritual thinking and development.
In their leadership of school services at St Cyprian’s Church in conjunction with the school church coordinator, the Chaplain will play a central role in raising awareness of and reflection on Christian values within the school community, as well as promoting core school values of Compassion, Knowledge, Perseverance and Spirit.
The Chaplain’s ability to engage with these core values and the religious foundation of the school philosophically and spiritually is vitally important. They need a sensitive appreciation of the diverse religious make-up of the school and the understanding that for all people - and for young people in particular - there is a life-long search for meaning and spiritual understanding.
The Associate Priest will be housed in the parish flat for St Cyprian’s Church and serve on the wider team across both St Cyprian’s, Clarence Gate and St Paul’s, Rossmore Road.
Role and Responsibilities
The Associate Priest will share with the wider clergy team in nurturing and enlivening the worshipping life of the churches, including presiding at Parish Eucharist, Evensong and other solemnities; saying the daily office; preaching and intercession; occasional offices (baptism, wedding and funeral); pastoral care among the congregation; and ministry among the sick and dying.
In connection with the role of School Chaplain, the Associate Priest will bring a particular focus around schools’ ministry across the two churches. The Associate Priest will build up ministry among children and young people across the two parishes, including connection with Christ Church Bentinck CE Primary School and outreach ministry among children and young people in the parish. The desire to see the flourishing of children and young people within the life and mission of the church is an essential quality within this role.
The Associate Priest will work within the wider team serving the two parishes, which consists of clergy members including the Rector, Assistant Curate, and Licensed Lay Minister; and lay members, including Churchwardens, Parish Safeguarding Officers, Parish Administrators, Food & Wellbeing Officer, Net Zero Carbon Officer, and a newly advertised Parish Nurse. We are also assisted on occasion by a number of retired clergy worshipping in the parishes.