Job Profile Sept 2022 JOB TITLE: Antisocial Behaviour Localities Officer GRADE: POA (TBC) POST NO: JOB TIER: 5 DBS CHECK: Standard DIRECTORATE: Place DEPARTMENT: Safer Communities Team Reports to: Antisocial Behaviour Localities Team Leader Direct Reports: None Indirect Reports: None ROLE PURPOSE: Support local partnership working (Local Multi Agency Problem Solving Meetings), in conjunction with Neighbourhood Police Officers and key statutory bodies (Probation, Care Trust, Fire, other LBH departments), private and voluntary sectors and community groups to deliver Community Safety in multi-disciplinary planned and integrated manner within the locality. Assist in the co-ordination, development and implementation of partnership initiatives to reduce and prevent crime, disorder antisocial behaviour, including drug and alcohol related issues within Hillingdon Manage individual cases for localities and individuals, as well as contributing to case conferences on problem and priority individuals, sharing information and intelligence. A. Job Description 1. Customer Management ? Establish an effective internal and external network, meeting and communicating directly with key stakeholders to support the efficient delivery of Antisocial Behaviour Localities’ Team. ? To engage and communicate with councillors, residents, the business community, and other service users, to resolve complaints and enquiries, further investigations and publicise the work of the Antisocial Behaviour Localities Team. ? Ensure appropriate, accurate and timely responses to enquiries, Freedom of Information requests and response to complaints at all stages (including Ombudsman investigations) within agreed timescales. ? Develop and maintain strong working relationships with colleagues and ensure that all investigations and administration is carried out in a compliant and timely way in line with team KPI’s. ? To share intelligence and co-ordinate investigations with the Police, and other Council representatives while ensuring compliance with the Council’s obligations under the Data Protection Act. ? Contribute towards delivering a first-class investigation, problem solving, engagement and response service, while fostering a customer service centered culture. 2. Operational Service Delivery ? To instigate follow up action or legal proceedings as deemed necessary leading to formal or informal action in order to control ASB under the Antisocial Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014, Crime and Disorder Act 1998, and ancillary legislation used for the control of Antisocial Behaviour and disorder as required by the Council. ? To prepare case files in accordance with the High Court Rules of Evidence, in preparation for representing the council in court; to include maintenance of a notebook, collection of evidence, taking of statements and assist with recorded interviews in accordance with the Police and Criminal Evidence (1984). ? To use enforcement methods as outlined in Antisocial Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014, such as Community Protection Warnings (CPW), Community Protection Notices (CPN), Community Protection Injunctions where appropriate for sign-off by Senior Officers/Managers. ? To provide evidence for attendance at Court as a witness for work undertaken in this post. ? To confidently engage, educate, and enforce (where relevant), all relevant regulations to businesses within borough. ? Support and implement joint problem solving and locality initiatives through engagement with partner agencies, other council departments and the public. ? To be a competent computer user with experience of Microsoft Office software for e-mail, letter and report writing. ? Represent the Service at Council meetings, resident groups and provide information on community engagement, problem solving and enforcement activity as required ? Complete other reasonable tasks in order to fulfil role purpose or as instructed by management. 3. Service Planning & Development ? Contribute to long-term strategy delivery and the achievement of team plans and KPI’s. ? Assist in the design and implementation of local community safety and diversionary, problem solving initiatives and strategies to proactively deal with emerging trends. ? To use, promote and develop the use of IT and internal systems to ensure that the service makes the best use of mobile communication technology that is available. ? To identify and suggest any improvements to current ways of working in order to deliver a more efficient and effective service for customers. 4. Financial & Resource Management ? Ensure that any workforce expenditure is compliant with corporate guidance and that any temporary resource is purchased through the Council’s agency contracts. 5. Continuous Improvement ? Maintain up to date knowledge of the latest legislation and procedures relevant to the post ? Take personal accountability for and visibly support professional practice, service procedures and policies along with performance improvement initiatives. ? Contribute to a strong performance culture and commitment to delivering quality services to key stakeholders. ? To use, promote and develop the use of IT and internal systems to ensure that the Service makes the best use of mobile communication technology that is available including word processing packages. ? To assist in the introduction of new methods as necessary to ensure efficient use of resources, including taking an active role in promoting best value. 6. Contacts ? Internal: All staff and managers within Residents Services, plus staff and managers in other service areas and Members of the Council. ? External: Members of the public, businesses, residents, community groups, residents associations, partner organisations (such as police, fire, health, social landlords, voluntary sector groups & contractors). 7. Additional Responsibilities ? Complete other reasonable tasks in order to fulfil role purpose or as required by management. 8. Key Performance Indicators ? Delivery of agreed Team Plans. ? Delivery against any agreed Service Levels. ? Staff performance & productivity metrics. Page 1 B. Person Specification Antisocial Behaviour Locality Officer This person specification will be used for recruitment to this post. It will form the basis of the application form, and candidates will be also assessed against aspects of this person specification at interview. 1. QUALIFICATIONS ESSENTIAL DESIRABLE Relevant professional qualification or degree (e.g environment, law, housing, community etc) or significant, equivalent and relevant experience. ? Qualified in investigation skills and techniques or equivalent relevant operational experience. 2. STATUTORY or ROLE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS ESSENTIAL DESIRABLE Able to work flexibly to meet the needs on the business including evenings and weekends. ? Able to collect evidence and build cases for formal enforcement actions ? Working knowledge of PACE, enforcement concordat and waste and street scene legislation ? Hold a current UK Drivers Licence or equivalent and have vehicle available for use at all times ? Ability to undertake site visits and inspections at various locations throughout the borough. 3. EXPERIENCE ESSENTIAL DESIRABLE Experience in enforcement and case work related to local authority enforcement activities ? Experience of acting as a witness on behalf of an employer and / or appearing in court or at an inquiry to give evidence and be questioned as a witness. Experience of working in multi-agency partnerships to drive performance and achieve objectives ? Experience of working with elected members ? 4. KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS ESSENTIAL DESIRABLE Understanding of the key legislation, best practice, guidance and emerging issues in tackling antisocial behaviour, disorder and problem solving ? Working knowledge of antisocial behaviour and crime and disorder legislation including Crime and Disorder Act1998, Antisocial behaviour crime and policing Act 2014 to understand and implement effective practises to tackle issues of ASB in communities across the borough ? Highly numerate and ICT literate able to work effectively with a variety of service specific software ? Excellent verbal, written communication and interpersonal skills with ability to produce clear plans and manage individual cases and projects to a professional standard. ? Knowledge of duties and responsibilities in relation to health and safety ? 5. COMPETENCIES ESSENTIAL DESIRABLE “Can do” positive attitude: Identifies opportunities for organisational change, taking into account the wider impacts of change; ensuring the needs of stakeholders and customers are considered and acts as a positive role model for new initiatives. Takes responsibility and delivers results Adapts to changing demands to ensure that objectives are met, overcoming problems and making well considered decisions. ? Team working Acts as a role model to others in the team, sharing knowledge and experience when necessary, whilst respecting and valuing the contribution other team members’ experiences can bring. ? Communication Demonstrates well developed written and verbal communication skills; and the confidence to present reports and verbal accounts credibly to a variety of different audiences. ? Customer Care Develops contacts and relationships with customer/ client groups, regularly reviewing service delivery and taking responsibility to ensure quality service provision. ? Takes ownership of personal development Takes action to develop own and others' capability and knowledge by promoting and supporting developmental opportunities to improve performance. ? Support local partnership working (Local Multi Agency Problem Solving Meetings), in conjunction with Neighbourhood Police Officers and key statutory bodies (Probation, Care Trust, Fire, other LBH departments), private and voluntary sectors and community groups to deliver Community Safety in multi-disciplinary planned and integrated manner within the locality. Assist in the co-ordination, development and implementation of partnership initiatives to reduce and prevent crime, disorder antisocial behaviour, including drug and alcohol related issues within Hillingdon Manage individual cases for localities and individuals, as well as contributing to case conferences on problem and priority individuals, sharing information and intelligence.