The following are the core responsibilities of the Clinical Pharmacist. There may be on occasion, a requirement to carry out other tasks. To support the patients, practice and PCN with your pharmaceutical expertise, to optimise the use of medicines, deliver Long Term Conditions management and support interface communications between primary, secondary and other care settings to deliver improved care and patient outcomes, promoting safety, patient engagement and patient self-management; to do this in a manner that is integrated with the primary health care teams so as to reduce the workload on GPs, including referrals to community pharmacy for New Medicines Service (NMS) and Medicines Use Review (MUR) To undertake reviews of medicines, use and apply medicines optimisation principles. To review medication requests and repeat prescriptions and discharge summaries on behalf of the practices, working with GP staff to ensure safe, appropriate systems are operating. To provide pharmaceutical advice and expertise to other prescribers and practitioners in our practices. To work closely with the GPs, nurses and other healthcare staff in our practices to resolve day-to-day medicines issues through the application of pharmaceutical knowledge. To offer patient-facing and person-centered consultations; to manage a caseload of patients within a multidisciplinary general practice team, offering outcome-focused medication review and prescribing to manage patients where medicines use needs to be optimised e.g. single condition with sub-optimal outcomes, compliance issues, and/or high-risk medicines and/or high risk or frail patients. To deliver clinics via patient appointments or as drop in services; focus on those conditions that are prioritised by the PCN or practice, acting in partnership with practice nurses, GPs and with the other pharmacists in the team to ensure that specialist and highly specialist skills are used to best effect for our patients and our practices. To make effective use of information from practice systems e.g. through searches and audit, to improve the health of the population, managing resources effectively including your own time, to relieve pressure on the practice workforce. To provide support and advice for GPs and practice nurses, including advanced practitioners on the use of medicines and new medicines and medicines-use policies e.g. shared care, new pathways of care as new drugs are accepted for GP prescribing and to support the work of the practice, to develop and/or implement new models of care. To work with community pharmacists and local pharmacists to improve medicines management at the interface, on admission and particularly at discharge and where high-risk medicines are involved, including shared-care issues acting on behalf of the practice. Help to support and develop the medicines management team at practice and PCN level, including delivery of training, to maximise cost-effective prescribing and improve the quality of patient care. To evaluate and audit the delivery of service to ensure a high-quality service in line with NICE standards and to develop provision. To deliver and develop pharmacy led medicines optimisation with the wider multidisciplinary team to ensure the practice and PCN remains up to date with national guidelines, ensuring best value, reduced harm and improved outcomes. To support the practice and PCN leads with the medicines agenda at both practice and PCN level. To help deliver and support all specifications within the PCN DES, for example Structured Medication Reviews, Enhanced Health in Care Homes and other medicine optimisation tasks as determined by the practice or PCN. To update and maintain accurate patient medication records on the practices clinical computer systems, including advice given and action taken. To ensure all coding is in line with QOF and IIF. Review hospital discharge letters with regards to safe and effective medicines management Interact with secondary Care colleagues and Community Pharmacists on medicines management To advise the primary health care team on the safe and secure handling of controlled drugs and other medicines, ensuring compliance with medicines legislation. To cascade and action MHRA and CAS alerts as appropriate.