Note: employees are required to be flexible in their approach to working location and may need to work from other sites.
Date: 10th January 2025
Interview Date: TBA
Manages: Pastoral Support Workers
Job Purpose: Responsible for ensuring that the additional support needs of College students are met successfully. Responsible for ensuring that the college meets its statutory duties under the SEND Code of Practice and Keeping Children Safe in Education.
Main Duties and Responsibilities:
* Line manage a team of pastoral support staff.
* Coordinate rotas and cover for classroom support, lunch and break cover, and meeting the personal care needs of learners.
* Secure agency cover staff as appropriate.
* Coordinate appointments from external agencies and commissioned services such as ToD, Speech and Language Therapies, Occupational Therapy, and PT.
* Participate in safeguarding and cover duties.
* Plan and deliver a programme of SEND, safeguarding, and Prevent duty professional development (CPD).
* Support the Education Health and Care (EHC) plans processes.
* Support the timely and effective handover of EHC plans to the curriculum teams.
* Support annual local authority learner reviews.
* Act as the Greenbank Project’s designated safeguarding lead, which includes:
o Managing the Prevent duty function through the Health & Safety Officer.
o Managing online safety through the Network Manager.
o Coordination of the safeguarding team, including assigning rotas and duties.
o Liaising with external agencies involved with safeguarding.
o Leading on 175 safeguarding audits.
o Implementing safeguarding standards and quality marks, including appropriate management information tools.
o Managing the single central register.
* Ensure that the organisation's professional development plan (CDP) includes relevant elements covering SEND, safeguarding, and the Prevent duty.
* Develop and lead the College’s safeguarding, Prevent, and SEND policies and procedures.
* Ensure active and effective collaboration with management team members.
* Regularly use data (including finance) to understand College performance and support planned changes.
* Proactively use all College management information systems.
* This post will actively contribute to the following College-wide documents:
o Self-assessment report.
o Quality improvement plan.
Additional Vacancy Details:
We are an equal opportunities employer and welcome applications from all suitably qualified persons regardless of their race, sex, gender, gender reassignment, disability, religion/belief, sexual orientation, or age. We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people, and vulnerable adults and adhering to the requirements of the Equality Act 2010.
Applicants should note that the successful candidate will be asked to apply to the Disclosure and Barring Service.