Job Description
10pm-8am shifts
South Gloucestershire
Under the guidance of the Registered Manager and/or Duty Manager, the post holder will work a night shift (usually between the hours of 10pm and 8am) to support people living at one of the Council’s residential care homes with their personal care and night time care needs. There are three waking night care assistants on duty and they have access to an on call Duty Manager for advice support.
The role includes supporting older people who will/may be living with dementia and/or have physical disabilities, and/or be in need of end of life care. This may also include people who have mild learning disabilities.
The key responsibilities of the post are:
* Carry out nightly health and safety check ie: ensure the building is locked and secure, windows closed and building free from hazards, (ie: lights, heaters and cookers switched off)
* Support/assist service users throughout the night with their personal care needs and carry out regular well-being checks in accordance with individual support plans
* Ensure that service users who are awake throughout the night are supported in accordance with their individual support plans
* Undertake a key worker role with allocated service users
* Contribute to Risk Assessments, Mental Capacity Assessments and Best Interest Decisions that identify and meet the assessed needs of Service Users
* Maintain appropriate records including daily records and support plans
* Support service users with medication, and assist with administering medication when required, in line with set guidelines
* Participate in and promote the Quality Assurance monitoring system.
* Carry out routine domestic duties ie; laundry/ironing/cleaning as time allows throughout the night
* Overall, work in accordance with current legislation - this includes the Care Act 2014, Health and Social Care Act 2008 Regulations 2014