Are you a PaediatricRegistered Nurse who wants to make a difference? Then join thelargest provider of health care services in the UK, here at CCHGroup We are seeking registered nurses with experience in ICU/HDUor complex care that are looking for a change of scenery and thatwould thrive off making a difference out in the community, if thisis you, then get in touch with us today.
Wepromise you a rewarding career in the community where no 2 days arethe same. This is a field-based role, you will manage your owndiary and maintain a work life balance whilst giving your clientsthe opportunity to enjoy a quality life that they deserve in theirown home.
Our high quality, bespoke care servicesare delivered to adults, children and young people with varyingconditions including spinal injuries, neurological injuries,acquired brain injuries, trauma, epilepsy, learning disabilitiesand genetic disorders.
You will be given theopportunity to build your career, your clinical and managementskills. This job requires you to work no bank holidays, weekends,or nights.
Location Cambridge, Luton andBedford
Driving licence isrequired
Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm, no weekend orbank holiday working
Will be open to full-time orpart-time hours
What you’ll bedoing
You will be assessing and reviewingindividual care packages, providing practical training to careworkers, clinical supervisions and instructions using your clinicalexpertise and guidance; whilst working with our healthcare workersat the point of care which may include home, school, community, andday centres.
You will get the opportunity to useyour clinical knowledge and experience to interact with ICBs, CaseManagement, Social Services, private and NHS hospitals, nursinghomes and learning disabilityestablishments.
Part of this role will requireyou to take part in our paid phone support On Call Rota on arotationalbasis.
Youwill be a Paediatric Registered Nurse with experience in ICU/HDU orcomplex care.
To succeed in this rewarding roleyou will need be self-motivated, enthusiastic, caring, empatheticandcompassionate.
Our Focus is “PeopleFirst”, valuing our people and putting people at the heart ofeverything we do. In return we offer the opportunity todevelop your skills, through self-directed learning, coachingconversations, e-learning modules, and access to furtherqualifications and courses. You’ll have the support to develop yourcareer while empowering you to feel proud of the impactful andmeaningful work that you do. We will reward you with a benefitspackage that includes wellbeing resources, financial advice and upto 14% discount at over 40 retailers including Tesco, John Lewisand many more.
We will also offeryou:
25 days Holiday plus bankholidays
Your birthdayoff*
Occupational Maternity Pay & AdoptionPay
Occupational PaternityPay*
Death in ServicePayment*
Occupational SickPay
*subject to terms and conditions andqualifying period
We see extraordinaryachievements for our clients everyday thanks to our talented andcommitted workforce. We want to transform the care industry byworking driving positive change. As the largest care company in theUK, we have the size and success to offer you a grand careeropportunity, choice, and security. Be part of ourjourney.