KEY DUTIES Assess, plan, implement and evaluate programmes of evidenced-based nursing care. Provide expert advice and clinical practice. Provide specialist education and training to others. Work collaboratively and co-operatively clinical colleagues to develop services and quality of care delivered. Lead the development of clinical services within the specialist field. CLINICAL & PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Maintain Professional Registration Adhere to relevant Code of Practice of Professional body. Perform comprehensive assessment of patient nursing needs, plan, implement and evaluate care delivery according to changing health care needs. Perform advanced clinical skills in assessment &/or diagnosis &/or treatment. Collect, collate, evaluate and report information, maintaining accurate patient records. Involve patients and carers/relatives in the planning and delivery of care and development of services. Monitor investigation results, initiating further assessment/review of treatment pathway as required. Work collaboratively with other professionals and agencies to ensure patient needs are met, especially in relation to ongoing care needs and discharge arrangements. Establish and maintain effective communication with patients and carers/relatives, and professionals across health and social services. Contribute to the health promotion agenda with the local health economy. To undertake the role of non-medical prescriber in line with National and Local standards and to embed quality assurance processes in such activities. ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITIES To ensure records are kept tidy, stored and/or shared in accordance with good Information Governance. TEACHING & TRAINING RESPONSBILITIES Identify learning needs, plan, implement and evaluate programmes of education to meet identified need. Participate in the education of pre and post registered nurses, medical staff, AHPs, patient and carers and participate in curriculum development where appropriate. Address specific health targets e.g. CHI, NICE Guidance, NSF related to own area of practice through education Ensure own compliance and compliance of others with regards to mandatory training and PREP requirements. Undertake clinical supervision of nursing colleagues on an individual or group basis. LINE MANAGEMENT/SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITIES Provide specialist, expert clinical knowledge to clinical colleagues, patients and carers/relatives. Promote patient and public involvement activities in the specialist area, leading to service improvement. Promote peoples equality, diversity and rights. Evaluate service delivery against key performance targets, National Quality Measures, identify areas for improvement and initiate change. Collect, collate and report activity data to key stakeholders, producing regular formal reports FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Ensure the effective and efficient use of physical and financial resources; make recommendations regarding medications, supplies and equipment. RESEARCH & AUDIT Identify need for, participate and undertake, research, clinical audit, benchmarking and equipment trials, in order to improve effectiveness of patient care. Disseminate research and audit findings through presentation to professional groups and publication. Responsible for the development and implementation of policies, procedures and guidelines relevant to own area of work.