36-48 hour week, 7-7. 28 days annual leave (including bank holidays)
£14.30 PH
* Experienced RCW with a track record of high performance or 1-2 years working in a transferable role
* Diploma Level 3 in Residential Child Care (England) qualification or working towards this.
* Ability to work within a 24/7 operation and to support in On Call
* DBS on update service or able to pass an enhanced DBS check
* Qualification complete or able to enrol onto a supervision skills and safer recruitment training
* Valid driving license and use of vehicle
* Previous recent experience working in a residential care provision for at least 1-2 years (with children and young people with EBD, LD and Complex needs/Mental Health)
* Care Supervision level experience of 1-2 year
* Experience in providing and supporting in debriefs for staff who work with challenging behaviours
* Experience in providing supervision for staff
* Following a training and development plan for the home and self
* Learn and adhere to Ofsted 9 Quality standards for children’s home and/or 4 quality standards for Supported accommodation
* Experience with Reg 44 visits
* Previous successful experience listening to, advocating for, and engaging with decision making processes for young people with their appropriate choices
* Experience leading meetings, setting agendas etc
* Excellent ability to instil confidence in staff to develop competence
* Ability to share and teach good practice
* Excellent organisational skills
* Demonstrate people skills and have an ability to engage staff
* Excellent report writing
* IT skills including using emails, work processing and spreadsheets
* Evidenced ability to formulate care/placement plans and risk assessments
* Excellent communication and multi-agency working skills (listening and being a team player)
* Organisation and problem-solving skills
* Ability to support staff or signpost them during challenging times
* Takes accountability for own training and continual professional development, showing initiative and sharing ideas
Personal qualities
* Good attention to detail and ability to follow up on actions to see through to completion
* Discreet and diplomatic. Able to treat relevant information with appropriate confidentiality
* Commitment to safeguard young people and staff and provide high quality care
* Promoting equality and diversity in working practice, encouraging and controlling a respectful and equal working culture within the home
* Work effectively in the Middle management team and promote the vision and culture to the wider site.
* Ability to bridge the gap between the Senior Management team and Support Workers
* Ability to be assertive and consistent whilst demonstrating a caring nature
* To provide shift management and support to the team, in line with company policy and regulatory requirements. Supervising and providing guidance, support, direction and leadership to staff; ensuring tasks are effectively completed.
* To Model best practice approaches during challenging behaviours, ensuring there are coherent and consistently high levels of care.
* Work directly with others in the middle management team for the best interest of the young people, staff, and company.
* To ensure the care plans, risk assessments and key working sessions are up to date and effectively implemented daily representing best practices and reflective of the child’s views wishes and feelings.
* Establish and use methods to evaluate the quality of care provided by staff within the home and to make improvements where necessary, encouraging continuous improvement; and providing accurate and timely feedback to team members of actions and behaviours
* Model the best practice approaches to working with and supporting children with challenging behaviours and build staff confidence.
* Ensure a regular use of effective handovers and debriefs for staff.
* Take responsibility for ensuring all daily tasks are complete, along with health and safety checks.
* Participate in the transition process for children in and out of the home.
* Regularly review the staffing structure and support HR with recruitment, induction, and training.
* Support the Manager to regularly review the budget needs within the home where appropriate and shadow management as and when necessary to develop skills.
* Ensure daily practice within the homes reflects the equality and diversity goals of the company and the needs of the staff and young people
* Work effectively with all professionals and multiple agencies that are required for the best care of the young people.
* Conduct supervision and welfare meetings as and when required as per company policy.
* Provide consistent leadership, ensuring staff feel respected, listened to, and supported.
* Take part in scheduling shifts and working on the rota to ensure that the home is staffed appropriately and adequately. Ensuring on-call and managerial presence at all appropriate times.
* Safeguarding
* Ensure staff, visitors and young people are safeguarded daily and health and safety protocols are followed according to the health and Safety at work act 1974
* Work with your staff team to ensure positive outcomes, reducing incidents and providing a safe environment for young people, visitors, and staff.
* Report and whistle blow any work situation that is deemed by the management of the health and Safety Act 1999, to cause imminent danger and shortcomings of the employer’s protection arrangements.
* To monitor and maintain standards against agreed criteria and objectives and to implement quality assurance systems, which reflect agreed good practice.
* Understand and work within the individual health needs of each young person which may include but not exhausting:
* Eating and diet plans where appropriate
* Administering the correct medication
* Attending medical/hospital appointments/health checks/dental/CAMHS
* Wellbeing
* Support and develop the mental and physical health and wellbeing of young people in their care.
* Provide life skills and development activities, that build independence, appreciation and confidence in children and young people (working within the agreed independence plan).
* Assist the young people to set aims and goals and support them in the achievement of these.
* Develop and support young people in developing key life skills from basic hygiene, daily chores, shopping and financial management/savings/pocket money (whichever are the most appropriate)
* Encourage and coach young people to make the right choices, take responsibility for their actions and consider the possible consequences
* Ensure consistent consequences are applied to young people based on their actions and behaviours
* Ensure that the young people have a good appreciation of equality and diversity by showing respect for others and taking time to understand wishes, feeling and cultural differences
* Support and enable the young people to access the community (where applicable) in a positive and responsible manner.
* Enable and support young people to engage with the education system positively by supporting, facilitating and encouraging attendance
* Undertake the necessary transport arrangements to ensure the young people commute safely to school
* Help and support young people in the completion of homework
* Attend school meetings, events and trips
* Identify activities that support education development that will benefit the young people
* Research, plan and support educational activities and resources
* Promote positive behaviours and actions and support this through appropriate reward systems and sanction
* Support and coach young people in creating CVs and preparing for interviews
* Work within the agreed semi-independence packages
* Understand what section of care the children are under and work within this at all times
* Participate in multi-agency meetings to gather and share information to get the right outcome and best support for the young people
* Identify and escalate when Social Workers need involvement with the young person
* Facilitate and support family contact and relationships where applicable
* Organise transport and supervise visits
* Ensure confidentiality is not breached at any time, understanding what information can and can’t be shared.
* Key Working
* Act as the main co-ordinator of services for a particular young person(s) in the home
* Where possible have involvement in visits prior to admission and during transition to help settle the young person in as quickly as possible
* Establish and maintain an appropriate and professional relationship with the young person
* Help and support other colleagues to follow the agreed approaches and care strategies set out in the Placement Plan
* Ensure all necessary paperwork i.e. risk assessments, records and placement plans are up to date, prepared and collated in readiness for Key Worker meetings, LAC meetings and Placement Plan reviews
* Help to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the placement plan and care strategies, feeding back to the relevant parties accordingly