Job holders within this Group Profile will provide day to day supervision for Prison Officers and Operational Support Grades (OSG). They will supervise and coordinate the delivery of the establishment’s regime and activities within residential unit/areas to ensure all local/national policies are maintained. These are operational and prisoner-facing roles with no line management responsibilities.
Typical tasks associated with this Group Profile include:
Supervise all staff within their area of responsibility, ensuring they are briefed on the work for the day
Prepare and deliver team briefings and handovers as appropriate
Supervise and prioritise activities in-line with local procedures ensuring workload/regime is delivered escalating issues to Custodial Manager when required
Promotes Prison Service policy in all activities and behaviours by promoting diversity, decency, safety and reducing reoffending agendas
Supervise and support Prison Officers and other staff when dealing with prisoner applications and other issues raised by prisoners
Supervise and support Prison Officers with actions arising from
Standard Audit, His Majesty Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP) Action Plans, Managing Quality of Prison Life (MQPL) surveys including local self audit action plan
Co-ordinate any paperwork for the Incentive and Earned Privileges (IEP) scheme, completing relevant documentation for submission to Custodial Manager
Support and create a safe working environment for staff, prisoners and visitors by adhering to Health and Safety legislation, ensuring Safe Systems of Work (SSOW) and Risk
Assessments are followed reporting incidents to Custodial Manager
Coach and mentor staff including new recruits and arrange for other staff to provide mentoring support as required Prison Officer Entry Level Training (POELTs) and new graduates
Co-ordinate and collate data concerning their area of work
Co-ordinate initial staff response at the scene of an incident until a Custodial Manager is present
Contribute to the development and application of local policy, procedures and practice
Contribute to staff appraisals by providing relevant performance information to line managers
Allocate daily staff resources to activity within their unit where appropriate
Manage a caseload of Assessment Care Custody Teamwork (ACCT) within their work area
Discharging prisoners subject to local Risk Assessment
Carry out checks as required e.g. Cell Sharing Risk Assessment (CSRA), Incentives and Earned Privileges (IEP)
Job Descriptions relating to this Group Profile
The Job holder once in post will be in matched to a job description a sample list is attached below. The post is rotational so the job holder could during their career carry out the role of different job descriptions
Supervising Officer : Cat A Escorts
Supervising Officer : Nights
Supervising Officer : Nights YP
Supervising Officer : Operations
Supervising Officer : Operations YP
Supervising Officer : PEI
Supervising Officer : Regime
Supervising Officer : Residential Therapeutic Communities
Supervising Officer : Safe Decent and Secure
Supervising Officer : Safe Decent and Secure YP
Supervising Officer : Special Secure Unit
Supervising Officer : Safe Decent and Secure IRC
Supervising Officer : Regime IRC
Supervising Officer : Nights IRC
Supervising Officer : Operations IRC
Supervising Officer : Special Secure Unit (Wing)
Essential Skills/Qualifications/Accreditation/Registration
An ability to fulfil all spoken aspects of the role with confidence through the medium of English or (where specified in Wales) Welsh When transferring to a Young Persons establishment the job holder will be required to successfully undertake an assessment to demonstrate suitability to work with Young People.