* LeverageTechnology and data integration to enrich, cleanse, transform anddeliver data from disparate sources into meaningful, trustedinformation and make it available when, where and how it isneeded.
* Provide consumableinformation to Local IT Operational teams, its respective Local ITLeadership and Business Partners related to each specific segmentand their demands.
* Establishdata governance within Local IT as a global organization withphysical presence over 80 countries, 428 Mars Units and multiplebusinessmodels.
Whatare we lookingfor?
Eduction &ProfessionalQualification
* Undergraduate degree (ITor Computer Science a plus) or equivalent functionalexpertise
* Data Science, Data Engineering, BigData and/or Analytics certificate is aplus.
* ITLI certification is preferred, but notessential.
* FluentEnglish
* 3-5+years of experience in IT Service management, IT project managementor similar.
* Experience with DataAnalytics.
* Experience in dealing with businessstakeholders, higher management andnon-managers.
* Knowledge in different dataanalytics tools (e.g. Power BI,Tableau).
* Knowledge in ServiceNow reporting andSharepoint Lists preferred, but notessential.
* Knowledge of MS Azure is aplus.
Whatwill be your keyresponsibilities?
DataQuality andIntegrity:
* Conduct DataQuality checks to ensure data is accurate, consistent, and reliablethroughout its lifecycle, making sure that data is reliable and isusing a single source oftruth.
* Support thedevelopment and implementation of data management and governancepolicies, making sure reports published and developed in SITS DataEnvironment follows Data Governance and productionpipeline.
* Identifypotential meaningful internal/external data sources used by GDOteams ingested into GDO Data Lake, making this available in SITSData Environment.
* Leverage Technologies orsolutions to gather data if needed to cover specific needs orprojects, such as Microsoft Power Apps, Microsoft Forms, MicrosoftSharePoint.
* Manage and monitor datasets anddataflows automatic updates to ensure they are secure, accessible,and functioningproperly.
Developingand Supporting Reporting/AutomationProcesses:
* Create andmaintain processes to generate accurate and timely reports thathelp stakeholders understand and act on key datainsights.
* Identify and implement opportunitiesfor process enhancements (CIP) leveraging the use of automationtools (Power Apps, Power Automate).
* Engage withmanagers and different stakeholders to specify data requirementsfor SITSprojects.
DataTranslation andAnalysis
* Detect, examine,and decode trends or patterns within intricate datasets to identifymeaningful insights which can then inform business decisions andstrategies
* Conduct in-depth data analyses touncover patterns, correlations, andinsights
* Use Data Story Telling to sharefinding to SITSLT.
LeadData Collaboration within SITS
* Lead SITS Global DataCommunity group providing guidance, mentorship, andsupport.
* Actively participate in GDO InsightsSquad (Data Team).
* Collaborate with themanagement team to determine and prioritize the needs of thedifferent business units.
* Participate in SITSManagement team meetings to share updates and findings related toSITS Data (Personal computing, new projects, enhancements, Dataprojects andInitiatives).
Whatcan you expect fromMars?
* Work with over140,000 diverse and talented Associates, all guided by the FivePrinciples.
* Join a purpose driven company,where we're striving to build the world we want tomorrow,today.
* Best-in-class learning and developmentsupport from day one, including access to our in-house MarsUniversity.
* An industry competitive salary andbenefits package, including companybonus.
Marsis an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants willreceive consideration for employment without regard to race, color,religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationalorigin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any othercharacteristic protected by law. If you need assistance or anaccommodation during the application process because of adisability, it is available upon request. The company is pleased toprovide such assistance, and no applicant will be penalized as aresult of such a request.