Role Profile
1. These roles would be regarded as “front line” service delivery roles. Here, role holders are directly accountable for performance, often through the direct control of significant resources or through managed contracts. These roles may also deliver some of their results through collaborative working with co-producers or other third party agencies.
2. At the lower levels, operational managers may oversee a department or team and at the lowest levels, direct contact with service users will be a common feature of roles in this job family. At the higher levels, they may be in charge of a department, large operational area or the management of significant contracts and may be ultimately accountable for ensuring compliance with statutory obligations.
Representative Accountabilities
3. Provide professional expertise to apply best practice to support the development and implementation of operational plans and ensure ongoing professional development of self and others
4. Provide information to Elected Members to enable them to monitor delivery of their political objectives and priorities
5. Lead the operational delivery of a range of services directly to customers ensuring services deliver the intended outcomes first time and to agreed levels of quality and cost.
6. Manage discreet programmes and projects to ensure they deliver outcomes to the agreed standard of cost and time.
7. Identify opportunities for the continual improvement of operations for the Council including changes to business processes in order to deliver cost effective services that meet agreed quality standards.
8. Develop, motivate and set performance objectives for a team of staff in order to support a culture of high quality organisational performance.
9. Manage devolved budgets and resources in order to support the delivery of intended outcomes and demonstrate value for money.
Specific Accountabilities
10. Provide leadership to all members of the shared Pension Team
11. Ensure budget spend is maintained and actively seek opportunities to increase revenue and/to reduce costs.
12. Deliver an effective and efficient service to internal and external customers, including Kingston and other partner Councils, SHP and Encompass, Academies, list is not exhaustive
13. The management and Leadership of the shared Pension Team
14. Provide training advice and support to staff, internal and external stakeholders and Councillors.
15. To manage the Sutton and Kingston Shared Pensions Administration function in the delivery of the Local Government Pension Scheme and for all scheduled and admitted bodies and other relevant partners.
16. Provide direct line management of the Pensions team Data and Systems Manager, Benefits Processing Manager, and Employers and Governance lead
17. Manage LGPS projects including the McCloud remedy implementation, GMP rectification, Operational Improvement Plan, Pensions Dashboard and annual benefit notifications projects
Knowledge and Experience
18. Experience of managing an LGPS Pension Administration Team
19. Ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of people
20. Ability to lead and motivate a team, providing effective performance management to deliver key objectives
21. Experience of providing training, advice and support to staff, internal and external stakeholders and Councillors.
22. Experience of providing professional advice to members, senior management and departments of the Authority on all aspects of pensions administration
23. Experience of managing income and expenditure with high limits of authority