Applications are invited for a Speciality Doctor post to join the Medicine for the Elderly Team in Perth and Kinross.
The Medicine for the Elderly service based at Perth Royal Infirmary is undergoing a period of change and innovation. At present, the Medicine for the Elderly department consists of 5 consultants, two speciality doctors, and several clinical fellows and provides a comprehensive service to older patients in Perth and Kinross.
At Perth Royal, all frail older people are assessed by the acute frailty team on admission and then either discharged early or cared for in one of our MFE clinical areas: the acute MFE in-patient unit, the orthogeriatric and short stay rehab unit, or the slow stream rehab unit.
Pathways of care into the community function via the Perth and Kinross HSCP community hospitals that are under the care of MFTE and are undergoing active service development.
The out-patient care of the older population is delivered through a rapid assessment and falls service, Parkinson’s service, and evolving services based in the community with the ambition to achieve seamless working with the community teams.
The Stroke service is closely aligned to Medicine for the Elderly and provides stroke unit care for 18 in-patients with close links to the hyperacute on-call rota at Ninewells Hospital as well as TIA assessment clinics.
There is the opportunity for the successful applicant to rotate through the different aspects of our service across Acute Inpatient and Community.
We are looking for an individual with wide-ranging medical or GP experience with a keen interest in caring for Older People. The individual would be a team player and contribute to service development and improvement as part of their post. There is an opportunity to develop a sub-specialty interest within Medicine of the Elderly.
This post is an opportunity to develop professionally and achieve the required skills to pursue the CESR route formally or alternatively transition into a senior clinician role as per competencies. The successful candidate can work full-time or part-time. Weekend and evening working are optional with the opportunity to contribute to medical receiving or general in-patient care if desired.
For informal enquiries, please contact: Dr. Neil Henderson, Medicine for the Elderly Clinical Lead, 01382 660111, bleep 5144, or