Applications are invited for the position of 1 post as a Consultant Cardio-thoracic Anaesthetist.
The newly appointed consultant will join 8 Consultant Cardio-thoracic Anaesthetists to provide Anaesthetic services with sessions in Cardio-thoracic theatres, Interventional Cardiology and General Surgical Theatres.
The Consultant Cardio-thoracic Anaesthetist will also provide 1 in 9 weekly cover for Cardio-thoracic ICU. The on-call will cover Cardio-thoracic Intensive Care, Cath Lab and Cardio-thoracic theatres along with other Consultant colleagues.
We invite candidates who have special interest in thoracic anaesthesia for comprehensive range of procedures including robotic surgery and minimally invasive thoracic surgical procedures.
We are expanding thoracic surgical services for Major Trauma patients and the newly appointed consultant will have a role in implementing pain management and rib fixation pathways for major trauma patients.
The department of cardiothoracic anaesthesia and intensive care provides comprehensive anaesthesia services for over 1400 procedures each year. The unit performs around 750 cardiac surgical procedures including major aortic, mitral and minimal access aortic surgery. The thoracic surgery unit is one of the largest units in the country performing major cancer, non-cancer video-assisted and robot assisted surgical procedures and oesophageal surgery.
The department also provides anaesthesia services to the cardiology including primary PCI services, pacemakers & devices and a variety of electrophysiological procedures.
The 12 bedded Cardio-thoracic intensive caters to the need of these services and Cardio-thoracic Anaesthetists provide the cover for this unit. This unit has a range of facilities and therapies including advanced cardio-vascular support ( VADS and ECMO).The unit has a 4 bedded Post-Anaesthetic Ventilatory Unit ( PAVU) providing efficient and quality care. The unit is one of the large contributors to the ICU National audit (ICNARC) and steering committee member for the national ArCTIC project.
The department is one of the pioneers in promoting intra-operative and post-operative trans-oesophageal echocardiography using 3-D and 4-D echocardiography machines.
An anaesthetist led cardio-thoracic clinic provides pre-assessment service for cardio-thoracic and selected cardiology patients.
The department also, jointly with cardio-thoracic surgery & cardiology, organises quarterly multi-disciplinary scientific meetings, monthly educational meetings and M & M meetings.
The Humber Health Partnership is one of the largest acute and community Partnership arrangements in the NHS, seeing well over one million patients every year and managing a budget of over £1.3 billion.
Made up of two Trusts - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLAG) and Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTH) - our Partnership has significant ambitions and is committed to delivering world-class hospital and community services for the 1.65 million people we serve.
Together we employ nearly 20,000 staff. Our five main hospital sites are Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital, Scunthorpe General Hospital and Goole and District Hospital, for NLAG and Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital for HUTH.
As Teaching Hospitals working with the Hull York Medical School, we both lead and contribute to research in many areas - biomedical research, primary care, palliative medicine, cardiovascular and respiratory medicine, vascular surgery, cancer surgery and oncology.
We believe that by developing a diverse, inclusive, innovative, skilled and caring workforce, we can deliver excellent care to our patients and a great future for our employees, our Partnership and our community.
For further details regarding this job opportunity, please see attached full job description and personal specification.
This advert closes on Tuesday 8 Apr 2025