The job plan will be a prospective agreement that sets out the Consultant's typical working pattern, duties, objectives, and responsibilities for the coming year. It will cover all aspects of the Consultant's professional practice including clinical work, teaching, research, education, managerial responsibilities, and external commitments. Additional programmed activities may be offered to the post holder. Any offer of additional programmed activities will be based on the needs of the service and in line with the Trust objectives and will be reviewed on an annual basis. Subject to the conditions of the Terms and Conditions of Service, you are expected to observe the Trusts agreed policies and procedures, drawn up in consultation with the profession on clinical matters and to follow the standing orders and financial instructions of the Trust. In particular, where you manage employees of the Trust, you will be expected to follow the local and national employment and personnel policies and procedures. You will be expected to make sure that there are adequate arrangements for hospital staff involved in the care of your patients to be able to contact you when necessary. All medical and dental staff employed by the Trust are expected to comply with the UHNM Trusts Health and Safety Policies.