Spanish Teacher – Kings Lynn (TLR available) The school is seeking a highly committed and passionate Spanish Teacher who is keen to ignite a real passion in the students by providing a rich, varied and exciting curriculum. As a Spanish Teacher, this role will involve you teaching as part of an established Spanish department teaching to KS3/4/5. Whether you are a seasoned Spanish Teacher or a Newly Qualified Spanish Teacher this position will be a positive move in your career. Spanish Teacher Good graded school in Kings Lynn MPS/UPS Salary (M1 salary to UPS3) Full-Time Spanish Teacher position Spanish Teacher role starting in September School Information The School is a popular 11-18 co-educational school with a strong family and community ethos. The School’s aim is for every pupil to leave with a strong moral purpose, high aspirations and immense pride in what they have achieved during their time at the school. Expe rience and Qualifications Degree in Spanish related subject PGCE or QTS Taught Spanish to KS3/4/5 Salary The salary for this Spanish Teacher position will be paid to scale. Spanish Teacher – Application To be considered for this Spanish Teacher position please send your application through as soon as possible to Gilles Bullock.