(1) Transformation programme delivery Work with the Deputy Director of Strategy and Transformation (DDS&T), Deputy Director of Operations and adult Service Line leadership teams to deliver a Trust-wide adult transformation programme, Adult Patient Journey, building on key areas of current work and addressing key issues for the organisation. Core areas include adult community mental health services, rehabilitation pathway and inpatient flow. Support review of current adult service delivery and support the Service Lines to implement improvements. Liaise with colleagues to support enabling programmes of work such as workforce development, recruitment, training and leadership development as well as improvement of digital tools and the use of Quality Improvement methodology to enable change. Work with a range of stakeholders to define the outcomes to be delivered by the programme and ensure data to support measurement of these outcomes is in place. Consider the implications of, and for, All
Age pathways of care where relevant for adult services, for example, in terms of transition from CAMHS services or to older adult services and specialist pathways such as Eating Disorders and Deaf services. Ensure all transformational work is tested against the shifting external environment and takes account SWL Integrated Care System Development, place and borough-based programme work, primary care networks and the South London Mental Health and Community Partnership (SLP). (2) Strategic and programme support Ensure accurate and deliverable plans, benefits and approaches are in place for delivery. Ensure the programme is effectively reported into the Trust-wide Better Communities programme via standard reporting mechanisms and the Better Communities team. Develop and maintain appropriate project and programme management documentation related to the programme including plans, risk registers, issue logs and scoping documents. Support the identification and management of interdependencies
across all elements of the programme. Ensure impact assessments are identified and carried out for any potential service changes. Ensure that the work is considered through the Trust business planning cycle specifically in terms of developing investment proposals and forming part of the Trusts top priorities, annual delivery plans and Service Line business plans. Link the Trust programme to local place level adult elements of the Local Health and Care Plans, into the SLP transformation plans and London regional adult mental health transformation work as appropriate. Further develop the Trust and system ability to report on the outcomes for the programme including those defined at system level as outcomes of a transformed model of care Ensure all transformational work considers using recognised and established improvement methodologies and works closely with the Trust Quality Improvement and Innovation team. Ensure all transformation work is accurately reported to appropriate Trust
governance and that all risks are flagged and managed. Prepare reports internally for any Executive Leadership Team level meetings and appropriate Trust Board sub-committees and the Trust Board itself. External reporting will also be required dependent on the area. Contribute ideas and solutions to improving standard processes across the Trust. Encourage and lead evaluation of transformation and change and apply lessons to future work programmes. Line manage and develop transformation staff and support the wider organisation to develop transformational thinking, skills and capabilities and culture. (3) Stakeholder engagement, system working and collaboration Act as a system leader to drive positive change for adults around mental health and wellbeing, leading the delivery of appropriate adult elements of the SWL MH Strategy and the SWL ICP Strategy positive mental wellbeing theme. Ensure stakeholder engagement, liaison and co-production with community groups, service users and
carers is a key part of the Trusts approach to programme delivery. Develop structured engagement activities to support programme delivery and listen to views of a wide range of partners. Develop regular communications and engagement routes for all stakeholders around the programme Develop strong and effective relationships with colleagues working in the SWL ICB mental health system and place teams, SLP and SLaM adult services, enabling and driving the agreement of common priorities and approaches to work across SWL and south London. Develop strong, open and positive relationships with VCSE partners, service users and carers relevant to the programme. Support the work on the development of a SWL MH provider collaborative (SWL MHPC) approach around adult mental health through close collaboration with the SWL MHPC Programme Director. Connect and align the Trust Adult Patient Journey programme to system, place and SLP programmes of work, ensuring a common, strategic
approach. Deliver reports and presentations on Trust and wider Adult Patient Journey programme to external audiences, including but not limited to the SWL MH Strategy Delivery Group, SWL MH Partnership Delivery Group and SWL place partnership committees/local place MH partnership boards. Consider the role of sub-contractors and alliances within the development of the delivery plans for the programme.