Areas of Responsibility:
To develop and take ownership of my client’s vision, Business Plan and values, and to be totally committed to these.
2. To work with the Trustee Services Client Manager (TSCM) to maintain an annual project plan for the Trustee’s actuarial valuations and statutory annual funding updates including;
· Maintaining the timetable throughout the valuation process to completion;
· Co-ordinating & assisting in completing Consultant Questionnaires
· Co-ordination & assisting in completion of the formal documentation required to complete Scheme valuations, including submissions to the Pensions Regulator.
3. To act as Secretary to the Funding & Investment Strategy Review Group (FISRG) including the coordination of agenda and meeting papers, taking minutes to be approved by the Chair and uploading documents for eDecision.
4. To provide updates to the Pensions Administration and Employer Relationship Management teams on changes to contributions arising from valuations alongside updating intranet with updated documentation.
5. To prepare annual Summary Funding Statements for peer review and coordinating issue to members.
6. To work with the TSCM to provide project management support including liaison with internal and external advisers and preparation and maintenance of monitoring documents to identify and manage;
· Apportionment Arrangements, Employer Cessation Events and other corporate activity, including maintaining and updating information and reporting databases;
· Preparation of recommendation papers to the Trustee’s decision making committees.
· Liaising with the Employer Relationship Management Team and internal and external covenant advisers where required.
7. To work with the TSCM to provide project management support including maintaining information databases on;
· DB bulk transfer exercises from my client's multi-employer schemes to new arrangements inside or outside of my client, ensuring that members’ benefits are protected, and that statutory requirements are met. Liaise with advisers and internal departments as required
· Multi-employer scheme deficit contribution deferral requests. Co-ordinate the review of the request, draft recommendations for the Trustee, and follow up with the employer.
· Multi-employer employer scheme s75 debt payment requests.
Co-ordinate the review of the request, draft recommendations for the Trustee, and follow up with the employer.
· Follow up on actions arising from annual review of contribution deferral cases, pursuing additional contributions as appropriate.
To provide Secretarial support to other Trustee sub-committees and undertake research and project work as required.
To provide support to the actuarial work as required.
To provide assistance with general administration within the Team.