Position Details
Department of Dentistry, School of Health Sciences, College of Medicine and Health
Location: University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham UK
Full time starting salary is normally in the range £43,455 to £78,799
Full Time, Fixed Term contract up to 4 years or CCST date, whichever is sooner
Closing date: 23rd March 2025
With over 120 Dental, Dental Hygiene and Therapy students per year, large cohorts of postgraduate research students and taught master’s students and a committed group of staff, the School of Dentistry is an exciting and dynamic place to study, undertake research and work. The School continues to grow and is well placed to meet the demands and challenges of the future.
The School of Dentistry is proud of its undergraduate courses in Dental Surgery, and Dental Hygiene & Therapy, and its research-based postgraduate and taught master’s programmes.
The clinical dental courses at Birmingham provide a solid foundation for learning upon which to build experience and excellence in patient care. Our long-standing and pioneering approach to teaching whole patient care throughout the BDS course enables students to integrate the specific clinical skills they acquire from our speciality teaching areas and execute comprehensive treatment for their patients.
The school was ranked first of all dental schools in the country in terms of internationally excellent research outputs (4* and 3*) at REF2014. Our academics also join forces with leading global industry partners such as Unilever, Philips, and Mars to develop and trial new products which will have health impacts far beyond dental issues, including in diabetes and heart disease. Our research has also led to several clinical assessment tools being launched for high-street dentists, and other healthcare professionals, including low-cost tests to help people stop smoking.
Oral infectious and inflammatory diseases are the most common human diseases worldwide and cause significant morbidity, impacting upon general health, wellbeing, and mortality rates. Their impact on the economy is substantial. Our research is making significant inroads into understanding their pathobiology and translating this into novel treatments.
Oral cancer is the 6th most common form of cancer with survival rates of only 60% and we aim to impact significantly upon these statistics through our collaborative research activities. Our interdisciplinary research excellence in the field of tissue regeneration and rehabilitation draws upon multi-disciplinary expertise in the biological, physical, and biological sciences to improve current, and develop future, therapeutic solutions.
This position presents a distinctive opportunity to make significant academic contributions in research and education, within our own School and College spanning both our UK and flourishing Dubai campuses.
Role Summary
This NIHR Clinical Lecturer post is available for 4 years or until CCST plus 6 months (whichever is sooner). The post provides the opportunity for specialty training in Oral Medicine alongside research and a contribution to teaching as per any clinical trainee. The main clinical duties of the post will be in Birmingham Dental Hospital.
Research is a key component of this lecturer appointment with 50% of the timetable allocated for this purpose. The post-holder will have a PhD or equivalent doctoral qualification and a strong desire to develop their post-doctoral research programme complementing the current research interests in the School of Dentistry, College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham, with a view to securing a post-doctoral fellowship during their specialist training program.
An NTN (A) in Oral Medicine will be provided by Health Education England (West Midlands) for the clinical specialist training and the appointee would enter the existing specialist training programme under the guidance of the current Training Programme Director (TPD) Ms Ana Poveda, subject to clinical benchmarking at national recruitment for Oral Medicine. Applicants will not be shortlisted if they are not registered with the General Dental Council at the time of application.
Description of research component of programme
The ACL would build on the existing themes of research within the School of Dentistry based on previous research training and areas of expertise, with the aim of further enhancing basic and clinical/translational research at the school. Research is funded through a broad range of agencies including UK research councils, charities, EU, industry and international bodies, emphasising the international competitiveness of our research.
Entry requirements
Candidates for the post are required to hold or be eligible for registration with the General Dental Council and possess a PhD (or equivalent research doctorate). A track record of relevant publications within the international peer review literature would be advantageous and wide experience in dentistry is desirable. (Please see the person specification for details). Applicants will not be shortlisted if they are not registered with the General Dental Council at the time of application.
Successful clinical benchmarking at national recruitment for the specialty of Oral Medicine is required at the time of post commencement.
Duration of the training programme
The training programme will take the equivalent of 5 years on a full-time basis. Allowance for previous relevant training/experience may be made. The extent of any such allowance is a matter for the Deanery who may take advice from the SAC.
Skills to be developed by the training programme.
The detailed training programme will ensure that, at completion, the trainee has the skills, experience, and knowledge to enable him/her to obtain their CCST and specialist registration with the GDC. To achieve this objective, the training programme will provide the experience and the educational support to ensure that the StR has developed an appropriate level of knowledge and skill in those areas set out in the Specialty Training Curriculum.
Main Duties
* To perform clinical and/or laboratory-based research studies complementing the academic interests of the School of Dentistry.
Attendance at research group meetings and the seminar programmes
Analysis of data from experimental models and subsequent presentation and publication
* To apply statistical methods to analyse scientific study data.
* To prepare study findings in a format appropriate for oral or poster presentation.
* To write research papers that are internationally excellent or world leading based upon the findings of the studies performed in a format appropriate for publication in scientific journals.
Participate in writing grant and research ethics application.
* To prepare, with support from the school’s “Clinical Trials Co-ordinator” applications to the Research Ethics Committee for the approval of proposed studies.
* To prepare grant applications for the funding of proposed future studies, to bodies such as NIHR and the Medical Research Council and other major funding agencies.
Develop and enhance experience in the core functions of a research-intensive dental school.
Where appropriate to the appointee’s career development, contribute to undergraduate and post graduate teaching programmes at a level expected of a speciality trainee.
50% WTE as Specialty Registrar in Oral Medicine. Description of clinical training component of programme
Clinical training will take place within the Birmingham Dental Hospital and Birmingham Children’s hospital, City hospital and Queen Elisabeth Hospital. The Dental Hospital is an integral part of the Birmingham Community Health Care Foundation Trust providing secondary and tertiary care services to a regional population more than 6 million people.
The specialty trainee will be expected to participate in all these activities.
The programme is designed to fulfil the SAC curriculum leading to a CCST in Oral Medicine.
Person Specification
* BDS or Equivalent with full General Dental Council registration (or eligibility)
* MFDS RCS or equivalent
* Higher degree (PhD) or equivalent
* Eligibility for Dental Performers List
* Completion of Dental foundation training (or equivalence)
* Diploma or master’s in clinical discipline
* Evidence of commitment to Oral Medicine
OH and DBS required
The University is committed to safeguarding and we promote safe recruitment practice, therefore all associated pre-employment checks will be undertaken before any appointment is confirmed. Due to the nature of the work undertaken in this role all successful applicants will be subject to a satisfactory Occupational Health and DBS clearance prior to appointment.
Further particulars can be foundhere
Informal enquiries to Thomas Dietrich, email: t.dietrich@bham.ac.uk
We believe there is no such thing as a 'typical' member of University of Birmingham staff and that diversity in its many forms is a strength that underpins the exchange of ideas, innovation and debate at the heart of University life.