The main duties include providing expert knowledge and skills to support the multi-disciplinary team. Manage and co-ordinate the team caseload of patients with often complex social, forensic and rehabilitation needs and the associated intervention programs they require. Oversee care provision and ensure that staff maintain accurate risk assessments, care planning and record keeping in order to maintain a safe and effective service. Provide expert leadership to the multidisciplinary team including staff from partner organisations. Ensure staff receive probation, support, supervision and appraisal in a regular and consistent way to support development. Work in close liaison with in-patient forensic services, Social Care, Housing Commissioners and other partners to achieve and maintain smooth care pathways for service users. Act as a social supervisor for restricted patients, providing high-quality and timely reports to the Ministry of Justice as requested. Work within Safeguarding Children and Safeguarding Adults legislation at all times, promoting the wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults. Work collaboratively with third sector organisations to identify suitable placements in the community to support transition from secure settings. Co-ordinate and liaise with referrers, including other Trust services, Court services, HM Prison Service Probation, MAPPA, MARAC, CMHTs and wider liaison duties with local statutory and non-statutory bodies.