OVERALL RESPONSIBILITIES 1. PRIMARY 1.1 To play a role in the establishment, maintenance and development of the environment and climate of the Home, thus providing young people with a calm and relaxed group living experience conducive to emotional security and personal happiness and growth. 1.2 To become fully conversant with the Groups philosophy and policies. 1.3 To be actively involved in planning and participating in the homes recreational and social programme and engage individuals and groups in constructive, enterprising, and socially extending range of leisure pursuits. 1.4 To respect and maintain the confidential nature of the work. YOUNG PEOPLE 2.1 To establish good relationships with young people based on confidence, trust, understanding and mutual respect, setting a good example to all staff. 2.2 To encourage young people to maintain socially acceptable standards of behaviour as described in the Staff Handbook and other guidelines for staff. 2.3 To provide all young people with guidance and counselling of a personal and social nature. 2.4 To take a share of responsibility for the safe supervision of young people by exercising adequate control. 2.5 To be responsible as Key worker for young people undertaking casework, report writing and initiating and implementing individual care plans. The Hennessy Group is committed to the safeguarding and promotion of the welfare of all children and young people in our care. All staff have a key role and responsibility in this area. STAFF GROUP 3.1 To participate in the Group’s Staff Development Programme. 3.2 To attend and participate in staff meetings as appropriate. 3.3 To participate in appropriate In-Service Training. 3.4 To be involved in the induction and initial support of new staff. ASSESSMENT, RECORDING AND REPORTING 4.1 To make full use of the Group’s mechanisms to record young people's progress and development. 4.2 To contribute towards social and emotional reports as required. 4.3 To attend and contribute to the Annual Multi-disciplinary Review, care planning or other meetings as required. RESOURCES 5.1 To make effective and efficient use of the resources available within the Home and to be aware of resources provided by the Group and those within the community. 5.2 To maintain the orderliness of the young people’s living areas and social areas and clean such areas in emergencies. MANAGEMENT, ORGANISATION AND ADMINISTRATION 6.1 To monitor objectively the quality of relationships between young people, between staff and young people and between staff with the constant aim of improvement. 6.2 To ensure that full and complete casework records of young people progress are maintained in respect of young people for whom you are Key Worker. GENERAL DUTIES 7.1 To perform any other reasonable task that the Registered Manager or his/her appointed deputy may ask from time to time. 7.2 To act as driver and/or escort transporting young people to and from school, on shopping trips and activities. 7.3 To perform sleeping-in duties as required. SAFEGUARDING This post is subject to an Enhanced Disclosure check